Sunday, April 10, 2011


It's Saturday, no work today.  Rode the bike to Llano and stopped in at the BMW Rally, nothing much going on so we decided to see if Larry was at his new house in Llano.  Got to Larry's house and met up with both Lisa and Larry.  Chatted for a bit and left to go eat lunch at Castell.  Was hoping to have a burger but they were serving bar-b-que.  Pat and I split a half a chicken and 2 ribs.  Some of the best bar-b-que I've had,  the chicken rated right up there with my Dad's.  Sorry I didn't take a pic for everyone as the place was hopping. After lunch rode back to the BMW Rally and ran into Ron, Dan and Mark from our BMW Club. We told them about the bar-b-que at Castell but Mark doesn't particularly care for the owner of Castell's Grocery/Bar so they were going to eat bar-b-que at  Cooper's.  Fought the wind back to Fredericksburg, Pat said we only did 90 mph passing people but with the wind felt like over a 100 mph. Pat took a nap and I played games on the computer while watching some TV. Pat gave Blaze a bath. That's all for today.

1 comment:

  1. god this is like my blog i only just started it everything i do i dont hide anything i just tell people what ive done please subscribe to my blog its just like yours but im a 1o year old boy so its also very different at the same time its called my amazing life i only just started it now subscribers yet please be the first
