Friday, April 22, 2011

Thursday Brackettville

Today was not exciting for me. I spent most of the day trying to get wifi to work at the RV park and working what I could and slowly on my Verizon mifi. Mark and I spent several hours on the phone trying to troubleshot the problem.

Pat rode the BMW to Del Rio and got to meet with a highway patrol officer on the way. Lucky for him he only received a warning ticket. He was going 78 in a 70 zone. He said that he got to see a lot of wild life on the road to Del Rio, he saw turkeys, javelina, a bald eagle and a coyote and too many bird misses to count.

The pool was closed for cleaning today so no swimming. Later in the evening we visited with the young couple across from us. He works with the US Marshals office and she is a dental hygienist. They are so young.

Dinner, a little TV and off to bed. My blog is late again today as still having wifi problems. Till tomorrow.

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