Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday - Garner

There was a flurry of activity at the park this morning as everyone was getting ready to leave the park. Pat rode to Bracketville this morning to check out the road and the RV park we are looking to stay at.  After the last fiasco with the curvy road we thought it best to check it out.
With no TV I have read 2 books and started a third.  That is what I was doing while Pat went to check out our destination.  I got through reading and looked out the window to discover that I was pretty much alone in the park. It was like a ghost town.
Pat returned and we gathered our items and went to the river.  We had the river all to ourselves and then a couple of families showed up.  The day before the river had been full of people swimming, fishing and playing in the water. (Sorry I didn’t get a pic of that but had left my phone at the RV)  While drinking margaritas I watched Pat and Blaze in the river.  After Blaze had his swim he lounged on the beach towel to dry. (see pic)

We gathered up and went back to the RV for dinner.  After dinner Pat & I  took Blaze for a stroll around the Park then back to the RV to retire for the evening.   Till tomorrow…..

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