Saturday, April 30, 2011


Pat being the shy guy that he is had gone into town early (see sunrise)

to the Marathon Cafe to say hello to the owner from Elton & Norma. When he got there,there were several bike riders (mostly Harley's) getting ready to go for a ride and they invited him to go along. Pat jumped at the chance to go for a ride. I could here all the bikers leave town per the Harley biker sound from the RV.

I stayed home for alone time and work,aah. After working, Blaze and I lounged on the couch, me reading a book and Blaze laying on his leopard pillow taking a nap. So peaceful.

Pat returned and we decided to go the park, Pat took his swim trunks like he was going for a swim. We got there he put his feet in the water and he was done. He said it was colder than the frio. It is a spring so I guess would be pretty cold. I fed the ducks, we let Blaze run crazy and then it was time to return home to watch "Ellen"

As Pat had eaten 4 HUGE slices of pizza in Marfa with the guys he wasn't hungry so I made me a tuna, apple and celery salad for dinner as later we were going to go to the White Buffalo Bar for a drink.

Got to the White Buffalow and had drank about half of our drink when in came our BMW club riders from Austin. Mind you it was after 6:00 PM and they had been riding all day and still had about 80 miles to go to reach Ft Davis, thier final destination.(They looked beat having to fight the wind most of the way). We enjoyed visiting with everyone and they took off as had made a dinner reservation in Ft. Davis for 7:30.(I think they were going to be late for thier reservation.)

Finished our drinks then back to the RV for TV and bedtime. Adios

Friday, April 29, 2011


I haven't mentioned this before but every morning we have to turn the heat on in the RV as the tempurature drops during the night to COLD. Today, the wind is not blowing and its a beautiful day. I returned a few phone calls for work and then we decided to ride to Big Bend (of course on the BMW). We get into the park for free as Pat has an old peoples pass.

We rode to the Basin on a very curvy (double and triple S)road. We ate at the restaurant at the Basin. See pics of our view out the window and the blooming cactus outside the restaurant. After eating we road to Study Butte/Terlingua, got gas and headed back to Alpine and home. It was a long ride. Got home and worked for a while.

Later we heard a knock on the door and the people that had just pulled in were having water problems. Of course they came to the right place with Pat the fixanator. He went over and got the water running for them and in return they gave us a bottle of wine. What a trade for me. They came over and made a tour of our RV and then they left for dinner in town.

We were tired from our trek today so went to bed about 9:00 after watching some TV. Till tomorrow.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday - Marathon

Got up real early today, 4:00 AM and read until Pat got up. We had planned to ride early this morning but the wind was still blowing so I started working early and then we left around 9:30 as the wind had subsided somewhat. We rode to Alpine where Pat got a haircut, then on to Marfa. We stopped at the Marfa Lights Pavillion(see pic). Of course, since it was daylight we didn't get to experience the mysterious Marfa lights.

After viewing the town of Marfa and going into the Paisano Hotel (very old building)(see pics)we decided to have lunch at Marfa-one of the finer establishments-The Stripes Subway. We had a great seat (see pic) After our feast we road on to Ft Davis and we did see a lot of burnt areas from Alpine to Ft. Davis. You could even see the smoke line in the horizon as you approached these areas. On our way there we dodged a couple of birds and saw widelife along the road.(see pic)

Made it back to home base where I worked a little more and as it wasn't blowing so hard we sat outside under the awning of the RV and watched 2 groups of bikers (Dallas & Houston)check in to the Motel. We took a stroll to what we call "Happy Hour Plaza" here at the Motel/RV park and did visit with some of the bikers. (see pics)

Then back to the RV for dinner as we were waiting for the approaching evening to go the "Plaza" and sit by the fire in the fire place.(see pic)

It was a great day.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday - Marathon

Awoke to coffee in bed (Am I lucky or what!) Pat had his breakfast and I had mine (trying to diet as best I can).   Pat went for a ride on the BMW to Alpine and Ft Davis while I did some work.  On his way back the wind started blowing again.  Our friends had told us about the Park in Marathon so went drove  out to the park, it's about 5 miles out of town. (see pics)  We left Blaze off the leash for a change and he had a great time running and smelling everything in the park.  The park is very nice and I'm sure its there because of the water.  They have bar-b-que pits, bathrooms, tables and a great place to hold a dance if you wanted.

After our visit to the park came home for lunch and a nap.  Later on we decided to go the the White Buffalo Bar at the Gage Hotel for a drink.

After our drink, a beer for Pat and a margarita for Laura we took a tour of the Gage Hotel as we had not been there for 15 years and many changes had occured.  There is even a watch dog now at the front desk (Wow he's scary-Not) Can you tell which one he is?

The bartender at the White Buffalo Bar told us about the Gage Gardens, many people get married there, (see pics) so went to take a look.  They even have a putting green and are growing grapes there.  Enjoyed walking thru the gardens.

Back home to have hamburger helper. Yahoo!  We'll watch TV and then beddy bye.  We're planning on biking first thing in the AM when the wind is not so bad so posting my blog tonight.  Right now the wind is blowing at close to 39 MPH. It kind of rocks you to sleep.  More tomorrow so stay tuned.

Sunday -Brackettville/Monday-Marathon

This blog is a combo of Sunday and Monday.  There's not much to report for Easter Sunday, we ate at Daddy's grill for lunch, took a walk around the Motorhome homes, had our usual 5:00 feed watch of the deer, bunnies and turkey's, we then loaded the motorcyle and attached the car for our leave early in the morning on the way to Marathon.  Nighty night.

Woke early Monday morning, ate a quick brfeakfast, then drove to Del Rio to the HEB. While Pat shopped I reviewed my e-mails from work.  The ride to Marathon was uneventful with the exception of 2 birds hitting the RV (one in the middle of the windshield, the other the top drivers side) oh and the wind picked up about half way there.  It was blowing good - around 30 mph. Mason, if you're reading my blog we drove thru Sanderson today. Pulled into the Marathon Motel and RV park found our spot (#4) and while Pat set everything up (had to nail down the outside rugs due to the wind), I went to work as I now have great wifi.  Worked all afternoon trying to get caught up after having such slow wifi in Brackettville.

We went to the Pizza place in town, got a pizza and brought it back to the RV for dinner.  The Pizza place was very nice and so clean, they even deliver.  I loved the crust on the pizza (yum).  Since we have HBO here we watched Sex in the City 2 then off to bed.  Did I mention the wind is still blowing 30 MPH and is supposed to do the same tomorrow.  Adios

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday Brackettville

We left this morning to visit the Fort Collins museum but stopped at the gift shop first. The lady that runs the gift shop was very knowledgeable about Fort Collins and gave us a lot of history of the Fort. John wayne stayed at the Fort in 1959 during the making of the movie The Alamo.

We discovered that the museum would not open until 1:00 so took the walking tour by car (Pat and his woosy feet). we found George Patton's house on the tour. Now back to the RV for lunch and a litle nap for Pat.

off to the museum, there was a lot to view and all in all was very informative. We found that there were a lot of famous people that have stayed here during the years.

Our neighbor, Charles, had told us about the ice cream at the Pico (convenience store) so we decided that some ice cream wood hit the spot. The Pice offers 1 and 2 scoops of Blue Bell ice cream, 1 scoop is $1.29 and 2 scoops is $1.79 so we opted for the 2 scoops (what a deal, right?). Let's just say they measure scoops differently in Brackettville than in Austin. The scoops filled a 10 ounce cup fully with the 2nd scoop heaping on the top by at least 3 inches.
I would guess we each had a pint+ of ice cream with the 2 scoops.

We both ate the whole thing, no dinner for us tonight. Later we visited with our across the street neighbors (the young couple) Thier names are Brandon and Shannon. They left to go get ice cream at the Pico and we went inside to watch TV. It was already 9:00. Time flys when you're retired. See you back here tomorrow. Bye bye

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Friday Brackettville

Pat got up early and went to play golf while I watched a movie waiting for the RV office to open to discuss the wifi problems. Pat returned from playing golf and we both went to the office with our computers. We plugged in direct to their system and still could not get Internet. We even tried going to the Library in town to get Internet but they were closed due to Good Friday. I decided that it will be another day using the Verizon mifi. It's slow but it works.

Later we went into town and checked out the grocery store, Super S, their groceries are high and the produce doesn't look very good.

We had happy hour under our mesquite tree while Pat grilled hamburgers.

The museum is open tomorrow, looking forward to that.

I know the blog has been pretty boring lately but stay tuned I'm sure there is excitement to come. Over & out

Over & Out

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thursday Brackettville

Today was not exciting for me. I spent most of the day trying to get wifi to work at the RV park and working what I could and slowly on my Verizon mifi. Mark and I spent several hours on the phone trying to troubleshot the problem.

Pat rode the BMW to Del Rio and got to meet with a highway patrol officer on the way. Lucky for him he only received a warning ticket. He was going 78 in a 70 zone. He said that he got to see a lot of wild life on the road to Del Rio, he saw turkeys, javelina, a bald eagle and a coyote and too many bird misses to count.

The pool was closed for cleaning today so no swimming. Later in the evening we visited with the young couple across from us. He works with the US Marshals office and she is a dental hygienist. They are so young.

Dinner, a little TV and off to bed. My blog is late again today as still having wifi problems. Till tomorrow.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday - Brackettville

Woke up this morning and looked at the calendar to realize it was Pat and I's 15th wedding anniversary.  Pat went to play golf at the 18 hole golf course while I worked most of the day. Pat returned and we went for an afternoon swim.  We returned and invited our neighbors over for happy hour.  We visited outside as it was very pleasaent under the shade of our mesquite tree.  We watched the turkeys and deer feed across the street.  We had dinner and then watched Survivor . 

We woke up at 11:30 pm when the storm blew in bringing golf size hail, rain and wind.

Sorry my blog is so late today I have been having computer  issues. I'm blogging from Pat's computer.   Got to get back to work.  Later.......

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday - Brackettville

Today started out overcast and humid. After breakfast Pat & I decided to take a tour of Brackettville, it didn't take long. We even stopped and looked around at the Dollar Store. We then went to check out the  workout equipment at the rec center and then I walked with Pat while he played a few holes of golf at the nine hole course. By then it was HOT, so time to return to the RV and start my work day.

I have moved my office into the bedroom, which works out good. It's much quieter and Pat can have all the living area to do what he wants (see pics). I sometimes have a helper at work.

After working for a while and after Pat had his nap we decided to go visit the pool. Brrr, it's cold but it felt good. We had the pool pretty much to ourselves. I stayed at the shallow end while Pat floated to the deep end (9 feet deep) I'm attaching a picture so you can see how big this pool is. This is Pat at one end and Pat at the other end. Can you see him?  The other picture shows the water flowing from the pool into the river.

I did 3 loads of laundry in the RV today. (I love doing laundry).  Had clothes hanging all over the bathroom.  

I've attached the pictures that I didn't have yesterday that show the deer and our RV site in Brackettville.  The deer and turkey are everywhere.  More tomorrow. Ciao

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday - Leaving Garner

Today is the last day I have to post my blog from the car at Garner check-in parking lot Yeah!

We left Garner under cloudy, misty conditions on our way to Brackettville, TX and our next destination.  Thankfully, our drive was uneventful.  We ate at the hamburger joint across the street from the entrance to Fort Clark Springs, a gated community with an RV park.  Fort Clark offers lots of amenities.  Fort Clark was established on the banks of the Las Moras Creek by the US Army in 1852.  The fort was closed in 1946 and is now a recreation resort and residential community.  Fort Clark offers a 9 hole and an 18 hole golf course, a 100 x 300 spring-fed pool, the 3rd largest spring-fed pool (68 degrees) in Texas, they also offer tennis courts, nature trails, bird watching and fishing.  We are allowed to use all facilities free of charge since we are staying at the RV park.

We have a great spot at the park with our own mesquite tree and of course Pat made friends immediately with our next door neighbor who was nice enough to take him by golf cart to the driving range to hit some balls and then gave him a tour of the area. Of course, I worked while Pat played.  No problem.  When Pat returned he took me in the car to point out interests he had been shown by our neighbor.

There are many deer in the area along with wild turkeys (see pics).  In the evening an RV across the street from us threw out feed and in came lots of deer to have thier dinner.  Pat has pics on his camera that have not been downloaded yet or I would include a pic or two.

Pat grilled chicken breasts for dinner, watched some TV (yes, we have TV here, we have everything here, including wifi) then off to bed.

More tomorrow.  Stayed tuned.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday - Garner

There was a flurry of activity at the park this morning as everyone was getting ready to leave the park. Pat rode to Bracketville this morning to check out the road and the RV park we are looking to stay at.  After the last fiasco with the curvy road we thought it best to check it out.
With no TV I have read 2 books and started a third.  That is what I was doing while Pat went to check out our destination.  I got through reading and looked out the window to discover that I was pretty much alone in the park. It was like a ghost town.
Pat returned and we gathered our items and went to the river.  We had the river all to ourselves and then a couple of families showed up.  The day before the river had been full of people swimming, fishing and playing in the water. (Sorry I didn’t get a pic of that but had left my phone at the RV)  While drinking margaritas I watched Pat and Blaze in the river.  After Blaze had his swim he lounged on the beach towel to dry. (see pic)

We gathered up and went back to the RV for dinner.  After dinner Pat & I  took Blaze for a stroll around the Park then back to the RV to retire for the evening.   Till tomorrow…..

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday - Garner

We woke up this morning to the conclusion that Garner was not going to be a long stay for us. Without wifi we must move on.  We originally signed in for 7 days. Now we are leaving on Monday.  Destination unknown.   Pat settled up with Garner Check in and they will return our money in 8 weeks.  Wow, the state moves fast.
On to the fun part, we biked the 3 Sisters today (335, 336, 337). Texas Moto Foto took a picture of us going around a curve.  Pat told me that we would take it slow around these curvy roads, but you know Pat , we ended up passing everyone we come up on.  What a ride!   We even saw kangaroos along the road. Camels in Fredericksburg and kangaroos in Leakey, what is the world coming to?  We had lunch at the Hog Pen (Bar-b-que).  We were the only BMW at the Harley hangout. Then we biked out to the Lone Star Motorcycle Museum and looked at all the bikes and memorabilia.  I got a new do rag at the museum.  Gotta stay stylish!

Came back to the park gathered up our chairs, umbrella, towels, sunscreen, drinks and dog and walked to the river for some chill time.  The river was cold but we managed to get used to it.  Met and talked with people at the river then came back to the RV to get dressed to go to the Saturday dance. We did a little two- stepping  and then came back to the RV to crawl into bed.  What a fun day we had.