Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wednesday-Thursday-Redding, CA

Wednesday..... I worked and Pat took a BMW ride around the area.  After working I had a quick lunch and then off to the pool for a little R & R.  I love this pool.  I have had the pool to myself except for 2 days when I had to share with a family with 7 kids ranging from 3 to 16.  Today I stayed at the pool for 3 hours swimming, sunning and reading all by myself. Oh happy day!


Say What?? Not sure why he took this pic.

Thursday.... today was not as much fun as yesterday.  It was a frustating work day as the wifi was sooooo slow. It took longer to get things done and then I had to go to the RV laundry to do sheets and towels.  I was late getting to the pool today with Pat tagging along.  As the day was cooler than had been all week with a gentle breeze I was not as tempted to get in the pool...... but here I am.  I'm going to miss this pool.

Notice the large pine cones in this tree, it's at the entrance to the RV park.   I have collected some of the large cones that fell fom this tree.  So far my collections on our trip are rocks, pine cones and wine. Pat hasn't complained to much, Not!

Tomorrow we're leaving Redding to travel to Placerville, CA in the El Dorado Wine area.  It's a tough job but someone has to taste all the wines.  Looking forward to more wine tasting...

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