Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday-Plymouth, Ca

Got up early this morning (5:00) and watched the movie, 127 hours, while drinking our coffee in bed.  This is the show about the hiker that get's his arm trapped by a rock in the Utah canyon area and has to cut his arm off and hike out before someone finds him. Needless to say, this was a tear jerker.

After the movie I took Blaze out for his morning walk, came back ate breakfast and then took off for my walk around the RV resort.  Stopped by the gift shop, came back to the RV to get my money and then back to the gift shop to make some purchases.  I can't mention what I bought because I bought one for myself and one for Samantha, I want her to be surprised. With my walk and shopping I was gone about an hour.

The park is pretty full and it seems like everyone has a dog or 2 and everyone is walking thier dog.  I saw Cody (Chumley) on his morning mosey.  Chumley (Cody) came to visit this afternoon, pics.....

There is another couple across the street from us, not sure of thier age, but sure they are older than Pat and myself.  This couple is dressed in thier matching bicycle riding gear and taking off on thier bicycle built for 2.  You've got to love it.

After lunch we went to the pool. 

Adult only pool, that's me

Everyone's pool

Entry to pool

Another area for lounging

Me, again

Hot tub

Water features in the camping area

Our site

Pat stayed at the pool for an hour and then returned to the RV.  Not me, I stayed for 2 1/2 hours and by the time I left both pools were rocking, lots of people, the majority just enjoyed sitting pool side.

After my return to the RV we sat outside, Pat drinking a beer and me a glass of wine (of course!).  Our across the street neighbors and Chumley's parents came for a visit, then it was time for dinner.

What a great day.  I love this RV resort.  Tomorrow, it's wine tasting.  WooHoo!

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