Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sunday & Monday - Redding, CA

Sunday was a lazy day.....after Saturday, it was needed.  Played on the computer, watched some TV and went to the pool to sun and read.  Got back from the pool and worked to get some things done that were needed first thing on Monday.  This 2 hour time difference doesn't help as I don't get going until around 8:00 and it's already 10:00 in Texas.  Pat grilled chicken for dinner.  It was a nice day, less stressful day than Saturday.

Here's our new home.

I think on this pic I told Pat to be sure not to include me so I'm headless.

These are the RV sites for the large RV's.  These are the sites next to us.  They had been full on the weekend but come Sunday everyone was gone.

Monday.....We got up and I checked on the office e-mails while Pat made arrangements to get the car towed to a Chevrolet repair place.  He got that done and talked to the repair place.  They will call us within the next 2 hours to let us know why the car went dead while driving.

We got the call so we rode the BMW to get the car. The reason the car died was that a fuse broke, not blew, broke.  Yes, I know, its wierd.  So $152.00 and we're good to go. Later in the day while Pat napped I went to the pool to swim, sun and read.  It was Papa John's pizza for dinner. 

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