Monday, September 5, 2011

Saturday evening, Sunday - Prospect, OR

Saturday Con'td.... As we were waiting for the evening get together for dinner and entertainment we stayed inside watching a movie.  We then joined everyone around the campfire for a wiener roast and  serenading by a local (Medford) Ladies Quartet (They sang happy birthday to the camp ground hosts wife that was turning 70) plus some other tunes.  Then we had a young man and woman singing and playing their guitars while we all roasted our hot dogs and had birthday cake and ice cream.

We met a young couple that is co-hosting the RV park and they have a black yorkie-poo that could be Blaze's twin.  (Don't tell them but I think Blaze is cuter)  We definitely enjoyed the evening listening to music and getting to know our neighbors in the park.  We have a couple that is camped next to us and he wears a kilt (not sometimes, all the time) and he is a rather large man.  I guess he likes keeping cool.

We returned to the RV and I stayed up to watch some TV, Pat beat me to bed as I stayed up till 11:30.  WOW that's late for me.

Sunday...... we got up showered and dressed for the pancake breakfast at 8:00.  Pancakes and sausage was good.  I had cranberry juice and Pat had orange juice.  Coffee was available but we had already drank a pot between the 2 of us.  It was cold at 50 degrees so after eating came back to the RV to warm up.

Later we drove to the Walmart outside of  Medford to pick up a few items and get a birthday card for my granddaughter Savanna who is turning 15 on September 12th.   We came back to the RV and watched a movie then we took Blaze for a walk around the park stopping to visit neighbors along the way.  We stopped at a campsite beside ours and visited with 2 couples (1 from Switzerland & 1 from Califronia) tasting some different liquors and a port wine.  We ended up giving what was left of our bottle of Goldklin to the couple from Switzerland.  We also found out from the California couple not to go to Sonoma for wine tasing in California as too pricey, they charge $30.0o just to taste the wine.  Now everyone is going to El Dorado County for wine tasting. Came in and had dinner and watched another movie before heading to bed. 

Here is a couple of pics of our current campsite...

More to follow in the days to come......

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