Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Prospect, OR

Monday was a holiday - Labor Day so we didn't do much of anything.  We did go hiking around the RV park. Here are some pics...

This water runs behind the RV park.

This is a picture of a hole that is dug out by a small rock swirling in the water over a large rock making a hole.

The above pic are large pine cones we found in the forest, Pat put my hat there so you could see how large the cones are.

Tuesday.... I worked for most all the morning and Pat went riding around the area.  Here are some pics...

Later in the afternoon we went riding around.  The forests here are thick with trees lining both sides of the road; as we were driving down the road at 4:00 in the afternoon the trees were so thick that the car lights came on.  There are some very large pine trees here as you can see in the below pics....

This is a ways from the RV park but think it is part of the water running behind the RV park.

The 2 pics above are at the Rogue Gorge, an area we visited. The water is 44 degrees.

See what I mean about the tree lined road.

Wednesday.....I put in my work hours and then we headed back to Crater Lake by car taking Blaze with us this time....

Our Chipmunk friends

 Blaze in the Snow


After leaving Crater Lake we head to Diamond Lake about 35 miles down the road.  We didn't take any pictures, sorry.  Then back home to give Blaze a bath and start some laundry.  Later we went to the pizza place and brought a pizza home for dinner. I started having VPN problems on my computer when we returned home so have been unable to get any e-mails and couldn't get by phone while we were out as didn't have any service in the areas we were in.  Hopefully tomorrow the VPN will be working.......

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