Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday - Redding, CA

Tuesday.....Got up, took a shower and got ready for the day.  Worked for a bit and then we are off to Burney Falls and Mt. Shasta.  (I forgot to mention that last night we had rain with thunder and lightning).  I know Austin would love to get some of that.

The ride to Burney Falls was cold at times but I wasn't going to complain as I know as the day goes on it will get hot.  The falls and surrounding area is beautiful.  We walked the 1.2 miles around the falls area.  Now this walk is not just a walk in the park, you are going straight down and then you have to walk back up.  We were huffing and puffing on the way up.  Be sure you take in the stats showing on the sign below.

I'm not sure you can see this but the mist from the falls hovers over the water and you will get wet on the trail just from the mist.

Check out the rainbow above

That's me

The rocks are all covered in moss.

One of the bridges we cross on our hike.

We're looking down on these people from the other side of the creek and down from the falls.

Pat got my good side.  LOL

They let you fish here if you use the correct bait, etc. They have their rules posted on the trail.

We made the hike and then we're back on the bike to Mt. Shasta.  We stopped at a small town and got a bite to eat.  I think it was called Larry's Frosty but if you wanted you could get wine and beer with your hamburger or sandwich.  They did offer a buffalo burger for $11.99.  We passed on the alcohol and had water with out meal.  We're off to Mt.Shasta...

Aren't we cute?

We drove to the Mt. Shasta Ski area but it didn't look like much of anything with no snow.  I'm sure this winter it will be hopping.

The closer we got to Redding the hotter it got on the way home, and I mean H O T.  We had to ride in this heat for approximately 50+ miles.  Any opportunity Pat had to drive in the shade on the highway he did.  I hate riding behind the 18 wheelers as the wind buffets you around and there are a lot of 18 wheelers on Highway 5, our route home.

But wait I see the sign for Lake Drive in Redding.  We arrived at the RV. I threw off the riding clothes into my bathing suit and Pat in his.  We're off to the pool.  I stayed in the pool for about 45 minutes until my body temp cooled off.  Got back and took Blaze for a walk around the park. 

Now I'm chilling, writing this blog.  We are having such a good time.  I think it's left over pizza for dinner.  Until manana........

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