Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thursday, Friday Prospect Or & CA

Thursday.... Our last day in Prospect, OR. I got up had some breakfast, worked and then took a walk into the town of Prospect (a 40 minute walk round trip) before lunch.  I found this large tree in town outside the Prospect Hotel.  The picture doesn't do it justice.

While I did laundry, Pat washed the RV and the SUV, getting ready for our travel to Redding, CA.

Friday....We got up early and left Prospect on our way to Redding, CA.  I know Texas is dry and burning but CA looks like it could go up in smoke anytime. It is dry, dry, dry.  There are extreme fire and no burn signs all over.  We arrived at the RV park in the afternoon with temps at 106.  We are not used to these temps and have tried to stay away from high heat but here we are.  We got the RV set up and then to the pool to cool off.  We had the pool to ourselves which was nice.  The cost of the RV parks in CA are probably double the cost of everywhere else we've been.  But hey, it's California.

You don't want to miss the Saturday blog. Be sure read this one first or you will just skip Thursday and Friday as they were quite dull compared to Saturday.......

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