Saturday, September 24, 2011

Thursday-Placerville & Friday-Plymouth, CA

Thursday was a work day from @#$%.  I worked 9 hours starting at 5:45 CA time.  Ate breakfast and lunch at my desk.  Not much else to tell.  We will not miss this campground when we leave tomorrow. The RV park was just not what we expected when we got  here and the fact that this has been the most expensive RV park with no grass and tight ugly sites.  The pool didn't have any loungers, only chairs. I guess I'm somewhat spoiled.  Here's some pics....

Friday while waiting to leave Placerville I worked.  We were so ready to leave but couldn't check in to our new RV place until 11:00 and its only 20 miles down.the road.  As the road to our next RV site is very narrow and curvy I had to drive the SUV and follow Pat.  We are now in the Amador Wine Country with many more wineries to visit.   We've arrived in Plymouth, CA, population 500 and something.

After I worked a while Pat and I then went to the pool.  Love it, they have 2 pools and a huge hot tub.  One pool is for adults only. (Now that's what I'm talking about) This RV resort has a gift shop/deli, a huge auditorium, a concrete dance area, library and many water features in the park.  I can't wait to check out the gift shop, and because we are now members of the 49er's (RV resort) you get 10% off of everything in the shop even wine and then 25% off of anything with thier logo on it.  Look out gift shop, here I come.

Okay,  back from the pool and decided to go across the highway to the Pokerville Grocery to check out what they have.  I like this store, they have 3 aisles of wine and liquor with great prices.  The store has a deli and they make pizzas, we ordered one for pick up at 6:00 for dinner. You can purchase the pizza ready to bake or they will bake it for you.  Of course since our oven is only large enough for a medium pizza and we ordered the extra large, we had them cook our pizza.   It was delish.

We visited with some neighbors across the street, they have the cutest little dog, a  white teacup poodle.  Cody is the dog's name, he is 4 years old with an old soul.  He doesn't move fast at all, this is the slowest dog I've ever seen.  I do believe that the name Chumley would be a better fit for him.  (If you ever watch the show, Pawn Stars, you know that Chumley on the show is somewhat of a slug)  Yes, the name Chumley would be a perfect fit.  I could bring this dog into our family, but I don't think they will give him up.  He is adorable.

Can't wait until tomorrow, there's no work.  I plan to do some swimming and shopping.  Oh yea. 

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