Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sunday - Plymouth, CA

Sunday we opted to ride the BMW and visit some of the Amador area wineries.  These wineries are all just one after the other on both sides of the road.  The day started out cool and overcast.

Our first stop was Villa Toscano.  I had heard that their Barbera wine was to die for.  I was not that impressed but the winery itself was very impressive. Very Italian wine country.

The next Winery is Andis.  It is a fairly new winery.  The pictures are showing slats from a wine barrell.  Pretty cool looking.  This winery was a very modern looking winery inside and out.

I'm not sure of the name of the winery below. It was a pretty cool place (see the next 6 pics) and they had some kind of roasted red pepper dipping sauce that was scrumptious, Pat even liked it. 

that's me

Here is one of our greeters.

The Helwig winery below is a new winery and they have an awesome view.  All the wineries are getting ready for the Crush weekend coming up 10/1/11

 See all the yummy grapes.

 All the above pics are of the Helwig winery. Beautiful.  We also went to the Story Winery, great Zinfandels.  In fact this whole area is known for thier Barbera and Zinfandel wines.

We then stopped at a very small winery, Amador Cellars and talked to the husband of the husband and wife wine maker team.  His wife has just completed a Wine making degree at the University.  This wine stuff is big business.  He was a very nice man and walked us through the complete wine making process.  His wines were very reasonably priced.

I think the last 2 pics are of the Karmere Winery.  We went to too many winery's and I think I'm wined out again.  I believe there are 43 winery's in this area.  WOW!

Here's me again.

After this winery we came home to a late lunch and then I had an afternoon nap.  I don't think we will be going to the Crush as we were told it is really, really crowded and much of a madhouse at all the wineries.  Of course now that I have tasted some of the wines I'll just go the store and buy.  I didn't buy any wines from the wineries on Sunday.

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