Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sunday-Monday-Tuesday-Placerville, CA

Sunday.... We left this morning to ride to Gold Hill Vineyard, my favorite winery, to make some purchases.  We went by car today so that we could carry all the wine I'm going to buy. LOL  Got to the winyard around 10:30-11:00 and Debbie, our server from yesterday started pouring the wines so that I could remember and make my choices of the wines I wanted..  Yep, everything tasted just as good as I remembered from yesterday.  I purchased 6 bottles.  I'm considering this my birthday present to myself.

The Vineyard was also having what they called a Festival today in their vinyard where they hold thier weddings.  They were serving glasses of wine (for sale of course) and had several Vendor tents.   I can't pass up a vendor tent so off we went.  One of the vendors was selling these glasses. (a mason jar attached to a glass stem) I'm now regretting that I did not purchase one of these glasses as can see a need for this.......

After purchasing some Jasmine body butter from one of the vendors we drove to the town of Placerville.  We stopped on the main street to check out a tasting room, Synopsis, recommended by Debbie at Gold Hill.  The wine server was cute, the wine okay, no purchase made.

We then walked down the street and came upon a restaurant for lunch.  They served Mexican and American food.  They started us out with 3 salsas and chips.  The entree I chose was the Vegetable Medley (grilled veggies) served with black beans and cilantro rice with pico. YUM!!  I'm telling you I love the California food.  I was stuffed as was Pat with his prime rib burger.

Back to the RV for some time at the pool. I felt much like a beached whale after lunch.

Monday.....I worked while Pat watched a race that had been rained out on Sunday.  The rest of the day I spent reading a book and chilling.  Pat did pretty much the same.

Tuesday... It's my birthday!  I received many calls and e-mails wishing me a Happy Birthday which made my day.  This birthday is OMG a number I can't even say.  While I worked Pat went bike riding with Steve, a member of the BMW Club from Austin.  Steve and his wife Claudette have a home here in Placerville and one in Lago Vista, TX.  They fly thier plane between the 2 homes.  Both Steve and Claudette fly.  Here are some pics that Pat took on his travels.  Pat said it was a ride as the roads were very curvy and he admitted he had a hard time staying up with Steve, of course, this was because Steve had a smaller bike making it easier for hime to make the curves.

Here's Steve

Union Valley reservoir

Later we met Steve and Claudette for dinner at an Italian Restaurant. The food was good and the conversation stimulating.  We discussed sailing, bike riding, flying, the businesses owned by Steve and Claudette, even insurance, etc.  After dinner we were invited to Steve and Claudette's home,  Claudette and I had a glass of wine while the men abstained.  It was an enjoyable evening. 

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