Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - Bigfork, MT

Sorry, I've been remiss in my blog duties but here goes:

Wednesday I worked then we took off to ride around Swan Lake. Swan Lake is a lot smaller then Flathead Lake and a lot less inhabited. Just lots and lots of trees on both sides of the lake.

On the ride back we took some pics of a Christmas tree farm.

Thursday I worked while Pat rode some gravel rodes around Swan and Flathead Lakes. I'm not wild about gravel roads as we have a street bike. Here's some pics...

When Pat returned he suggested we go to the beach (rocky beach).... We arrived at the park and then a lady with her 3 kids and then people were arriving every few minutes. The park was hopping. The water was cold but not bad once you got used to it. It's also very clear - see pic of Pat's feet.

Friday we went to Polson to shop at Walmart and Safeway, got home in time for lunch. Pat went to get his computer and then had lots of problems trying to get logged onto the RV park wifi. After several trips back to the computer place and many phone calls we had the RV park re-boot the wifi and he finally got logged on. While of this was happening we got some rain showers. Pat had a very frustating day today. But hey not all days can be good......

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