Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday & Tuesday Portland, OR

Monday we awoke to a cold and overcast morning and before you know it, it was raining.  It rained most of the day so we decided it was a stay at home day.  Pat went to the store and purchased a roast with all the trimmings, came home and put it on to slow cook most of the day.  Needless to say the RV smelled scrumptious.  I worked most of the day as had a client that just had to have something RIGHT NOW.  I handled that and then later in the afternoon decided to walk around the RV Park area.  It had stopped raining and was in the high 60's.  Walked for about 45 minutes and returned to later have that roast with potatoes, carrots, onions and celery.  Yummy!!!   Watched my favorite show on HGTV.  It was a relaxing, cozy day.

Tuesday woke up to my phone ringing.  It was an office call but 6:00am was too early to get up.  Got up about 7:00 and handled the phone call while drinking my morning coffee.  Settled in to work and had some coffee cake that Pat made this morning. The aroma was so inviting.  I shouldn't have eaten but couldn't resist.

After I quit working took a shower and got ready to do some sight seeing. We rode to Hood River and we visited the Naked Winery. If you remember we visited thier tasting room in Custer, South Dakota. In Oregon they actually make the wine. I purchased one of thier "outdoor wines" Its bottled in a plastic bottle with a screw on top and another shirt. Pat then took me to Mt. Hood Winery and I bought another bottle of wine. This winery was very nice. Their bathroom was so cool, I loved the faucet. 

This is Mt. Hood above and Adams below.

Here's me at Mt Hood winery doing a little tasting.

We then stopped at one more wine tasting establishment, the Gorge White House.  Here they offer several tasting of wines in the area for a $1.00 a taste.  I tasted 2 and bought one.  I tasted the Big Nose wine but was not impressed enough to buy.

On the drive home we took the scenic route and had to pay a toll to cross the river and were back in Washington.

It was very windy on this side of the lake and we watched many kite and wind surfers enjoying that wind.

We got back to Oregon and home to the RV park.  We drove past the park as Pat had to show me Roy Disney's (The Disneyland Man) boat that was used in the Ocean Transpac racing.  I believe it is here for some kind of repair but has been here for a long time, perhaps it's retired.

Once we got back to Oregon it's no longer sunny but overcast  and cool.  It didn't get over 69 today and there are kids swimming in the pool at the RV park.  Oh to be young again. Another great day!

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