Sunday, August 21, 2011

Saturday - Prosser - WA

Happy Birthday to Pat!!  Today he is officially old!  That means Obama care and Social Security/Medicare, hope he stays well! LOL

The Montana RV owners had given us some huckleberries before we left so Pat made me huckleberry pancakes for his birthday this morning.  They were delish.

After breakfast we both got caugh up on our e-mails, etc and then about 11:00 headed to town to find a grocery store and have some lunch.  We ran across a farmers market in town and bought some fresh corn and tomatoes.  They were selling baskets at the market and I came close to buying one but again I stopped the urge.   

We found a Walmart on the GPS that was about 12 miles away but when we got there it was not a Walmart and looked like it had never been a Walmart. Oh well, we had a nice drive and drove by many orchards of hops.  It seems this Washington area is not only helping the making of wine but beer too.

Made it back to the RV after stopping at a small store in town and decided we would go the pool as it was hot, hotter than we're used to at 95 degrees. Met a couple at the pool from Washington who gave us some tips on what winery's to go to.

After about an hour at the pool we decided to take in some winery's.  It was about 3:00 in the afternoon but what the heck.  We got in the car and drove the 1/2 block to the first winery. We visited 3 winery's in all and I came back with 2 bottles of wine.  I do like the Washington wine's.......

Our server at this winery was from Rumania.  She was cute and a lot of fun.

At this winery they were getting ready for a wedding.

Came back to the RV and sat outside enjoying our shaded front area.  Pat grilled a pork loin and of course we had our fresh corn.  A very enjoyable day........


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