Monday, August 1, 2011

Saturday & Sunday- Bigfork, MT

Saturday the whole family including Blaze went riding around Flathead Lake. It took about 2 hours. I think we were putting off looking into the washer/dryer problem. But alas, we were back and had to tackle the problem.

Once we took out shelving above the dishwasher, the dishwasher & shelving above the washer/dryer Pat pulled the machine out. Once Pat got a look at it, it appeared that the problem was that a belt had thrown off some strings of rubber that got caught in the pump, causing it to sieze. Once the strings were removed the pump was free to move again. All is good. Now we just had to put everything back. Done.

Sunday we got up early and went for a ride south of Polson, this area was not green and was hot but once we topped the hill and the prevailing winds came off the lake it immediately cooled off. On our ride we saw animals we hadn't seen before.

Once we got back around the lake and the weather was cooler we opted to have lunch lakeside. It was a beautiful.

Whenever we ask someone how cold the water is, they just say cold. I did feel the water and close to shore the water didn't seem that cold but I'm sure farther out it's really cold. I know the little twin girls in the pics seemed to enjoy the water.

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