Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday & Wednesday - Bigfork, MT

Tuesday I had to catch up on work since Monday we were out of pocket getting the RV repaired. While I worked Pat had some chores around the RV as well. First the smelly work (had to work on the toilet) and then the dirty work pulling off the air conditioning compressor to get to the area where we had a diesel leak. He also had to pull the motor on the bedroom pullout. He was busy and at the end of the day he was pooped. I also did laundry and will need to finish up tomorrow.

Wednesday I worked while Pat finished up his chores from Tuesday. At lunch time Pat suggested we head to town as he wanted to see about getting a hair cut. We got to Dean's barbershop and they didn't have anyone available to get to his haircut right away so they suggested he call to make an appointment. This did not go over well with Pat as he felt he should just be able to walk in and get the haircut right then, after all he is in a small town. So off to lunch we went. We ate at Rosa's Pizza, each having our own individual pizza (2 toppings) which was the lunch special.

We came back to the RV for me to make a call to a client then off to Polson to the Museum.

While on the way to Polson we took some pictures of some more of those wierd looking animals. Pat said they are not buffalo but we haven't googled to find out what they are yet.

Now the museum in Polson is different from any other museum I've been to in that some of this would be called junk. See for yourself in the pics.

I don't think I would like doing laundry so much if I had to do it in the washing machine below.

Here's Blaze's RV below....

The pic above depicts living back in cowboy days.

the items below are more to pat's liking.

We returned home a little after 3:00. Me to do more laundry and Pat to start planning our route to our next destination,Crater Lake which is in Oregon.

The days are just flying by.Tomorrow is already Thursday and I already have plenty of office work planned in the AM. More later.......

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