Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sunday & Monday - Bigfork, MT

Sunday was a lazy day.  We went to eat lunch at the Woods Bay diner and then back to the lake.  The same people from yesterday were at the lake.  We didn't stay as long as we did on Saturday but long enought for Pat to drink two beers and me a glass of wine.  Came back to the RV and vegged out for the rest of the evening.

Monday I worked in the morning then we got ready to go to Polson to grocery shop.  Before shopping we ate lunch at Betty's diner (Betty Boop).  The diner had a view of Flathead lake. We did our shopping at Safeway and by the time we got home the day was overcast.  They had predicted a cold front for the that evening with tomorrow morning temps in the 40's.  We stayed in watching the tube.......

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