Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friday on the way to Prosser, WA

We left Montana at 8:00 in the morning on the way to Prosser, Washington and the wine country.  After about 4 hours of driving we crossed into Idaho.  We drove about 50 miles through the north part of Idaho.  This part of Idaho was very pretty, lots of trees and mountains with curvy roads.  Coer d'Alene lake was large and beautiful.  After Coer d'Alene we crossed into Washington where the land looked parched with no trees.  We saw many dust devils and  tumbleweeds crossing the highway.  We had also crossed into another time change so now its 2 hours different than Austin.

Finally, we reached the wine country, miles and miles of beautiful grape vines and fruit trees.  We arrived at Wine Country RV in Prosser, Washington about 4:30 in the afternoon (we had been on the road for about 8 1/2 hours - 452 miles).

This is a nice RV park with a pool and all the needed amenities.  After we got the RV set up we decided to have happy hour and relax after the drive, Blaze enjoyed his happy hour.... 

Can't wait to visit some wineries and ride around the Prosser, Washington area......

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