Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday- Bigfork, MT

We had so much fun today. The whole family biked (including Blaze) to the Huckleberry Festival  at Swan Lake. We wore our winter jackets as it was 55 degrees and when you're on the road and riding by the lake it is cold.   I bought some real  lavender and a jar of habanero jam, Yum. I couldn't believe that they didn't have any hucklberries for sell.  It warmed up pretty quickly while we were at the Festival as the forecast called for temps maybe hitting 90 today.

Actually, Blaze was a hit at the Festival because Pat was wearing Blaze on his chest in his dog carrier.  Everyone wanted to know where we had gotten the dog carrier and of course when Pat said he had made this one, they said he should make some and open a booth at the Festival next year.

The habanero jam I purchased was made by 2 ladies from Texas.  In fact the habaneros were grown in her yard in Boerne, TX.  They have family in Montana so visit every year.  The festival had a lot of booths selling jewelry, woodcrafts, baskets, etc,  I really wanted an African Basket but as they are large didn't know where I would put it in the RV.(probably didn't need it anyway)

Since the festival was held on Swan lake they had some boat/floats.

Now some pics of the Festival itself.

That's me above.

As we were leaving Pat saw this sticker on a truck and just had to take a pic.

We returned home after the festival to have some lunch and then head to our beach.  We thought it was crowded before, today was almost full to capacity.  It was so hot today we actually got our bodies totally immersed in the water.  I thought the water was a good temp but Pat thought it was cold.

Blaze enjoyed the water also.  After about 3 hours in the sun we headed home.  What a great time.

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