Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday & Sunday - San Diego, CA

Saturday.... The weather is beautiful.  Today we take a ride to look at 3 RV resorts to see if perhaps the wifi will work better for me.  After looking at all 3 there was only one I would consider but it was over 20 miles outside of San Diego and their office was closed. We won't be moving, this RV resort is in such a good location; I'll just work with the wifi and my mifi and hopefully things will work out.  Came back to the RV, I sat outside taking off the lavender buds from the lavender I bought in Montana while Pat watched some TV.  We later watched some shows we had taped previously and then to bed.  Tomorrow we are going into SD to do some touristy stuff.

Sunday..... Another lovely day.  We got downtown about 9:00 and found a great parking spot. We signed up for the Maritime Museum tour and the 45 minute pilot boat tour around the San Diego Bay.  With the Maritime Museum tour you got to visit the Berkeley, a Victorian era steam ferry with beautiful stained glass windows, the Medea a 1904 steam yacht, a Russian and an American submarine,  the Star of India, launched in 1863 and the oldest ship in the world that still maintains a regular sailing schedule, the HMS Surprise which is a replica of a late 18th century Royal Navy Frigate where some  Johnny Depp scenes were shot for the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and various other boats moored in the North Embarcadero downtown area.

Going through the Russion sub

We were lucky today that we got to watch the people that run the sails on the star of India practice putting up and tacking the sails

One of the boats we viewed is the replica, America; we will be sailing on this boat in late November with Pat's sister, Linda and some of her San Fransisco yacht club members and others during the America's Cup event.

Here's a plane coming in

Here's me sailing, haha

Coronado Bridge

Had lunch at Anthony's - not impressed, but all in all a good day.  Loving the weather.

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