Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday - Bakersfield, CA

Today started out just like yesterday.  The phone started ringing first thing  and still quite busy with other items needing attention.  I did sleep until about 6:15 this morning, but awoke at 2:15 AM  (had a lot on my mind) and couldn't sleep so I read for a while and then back to bed about 3:30.  Today will be a long day.

Pat took a ride on the BMW while I worked.  Worked until 3:00 then finally made it to the pool.  Pat joined me and the water was cold but felt good.  Came back to the RV and decided it was time for happy hour.  I had thought that I would save all the wine I have purchased to drink and share with friends when I made it back to Texas but after some thought, I'm going to drink the wine now.  Of course, I will save some bottles of wine, so don't despair my friends.

I'm hoping that tomorrow my work load will slow down a bit.  Fingers crossed.

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