Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday, Tuesday, Plymouth, CA

Monday...... It was cool and overcast all day today.  I worked for about 4 hours, then took a walk around the park.  Did a little laundry and housework.  The park has cleared out after the Crush weekend.    see pics....

Tuesday.... today is heavy work day, worked for 6 hours trying to get caught up on everything outstanding as I will be out of pocket all next week while in Yosemite, no phone or wifi.

The weather was cool, with sunshine most of the day but the forcast has called for rain and snow in the higher altitudes of California this evening.  Pat went for a ride on the BMW but wasn't gone long; he left in the sunshine and returned when the front came in with colder weather anc clouds.

Nothing special later, ate leftovers for dinner, watched a little TV and then to bed.......stay tuned for tomorrow's blog

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