Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday - On the way to San Diego, CA

Friday I got up and did my 30 minute walk and then tried to work before leaving Bakersfield.  For some reason I was having wifi problems but not sure if it was the RV park or the server in Texas that was giving me problems.  After an hour I gave up as Pat was ready to leave and get on the road.

The closer we got to the LA area the worse the atmosphere looked.  Here are some pics driving in the San Bernadino area trying to stay as far away as we could from LA, we're on the east side of  LA on Hwy 15..... I couldn't live there, you can't even see the hills in the background and at times its hard to read the highway signs.  I would be afraid for my health living there.  If you're wondering, yes, these pics were taken during the middle of the day.

We got to the RV park which will be our new home for a month.  We arrived around 3:30.   We are in the Chula Vista area about 2 1/2 miles from the border of Mexico across from Tiajuana.   Aye Carumba!....I feel like I'm in Mexico, it appears that most of our neighbors are from across the border or military. 

I do like our RV spot.  We are across from the pool and laundry with a great parking spot for the car and BMW on our site, we also have a tree and grassy area.  I'll have Pat take some pics and post later.  I can't wait to get out and survey the area.  It was so pleasant last night with the windows open and cool, crisp air.

Stay tuned for what I hope is a great month.

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