Monday, October 24, 2011

Saturday, Sunday & Monday, San Diego, CA

Saturday...We woke up early, watched a little TV, played some games on the computer and before you know it the fog has rolled in.  The fog finally burned off and the sun came out.  We went to find a walmart and grocery store.  We did our shopping and then back to the RV.  I had thought I might visit the swimming pool but before you knew the sun had gone away and the sky was overcast.  We stayed in for the remainder of the day.

Sunday......the weather wasn't much different from yesterday, but today we never saw the sun.  We took the car and drove around downtown and along the coast, found the visitor's center and brought back some literature of things to do in San Diego. During our drive we spooted a farmer's market, so I had to get out and take a peek at what they were selling.  They had a lot of vegetables and salsa's, honey, hummus, p-nut butter, some baskets and jewelry.  Neither one of us had brought a jacket with us so once we got back to the RV we had some tortilla soup to warm up.  The temperature never reached above 64 and with the moisture in the air  it seemed cooler.  I dabbled a little on face book and found that Curt Roll, our friend in San Diego had answered our face book message.  Pat called Curt and we hope to get with him when he returns from a sailing trip to sail with him again here in San Diego.  Curt is quite the sailor, he sails a lot to Fiji and New Zealand.  He knows the editor of the magazine Latitude 38 and his best friend is the skipper of the big boat we will be sailing on here in SD in a couple of weeks. He's a good person to know here in SD.  Later we had some grilled chicken breasts for dinner, a little TV and then to bed.

Monday......I put in my 3 hours of work, showered and got dressed as Pat returned after biking to get a part for the RV.  We ate a little lunch then took Blaze and went site seeing around Paradise Point and the Coronado area.  We came back to the RV and I went for my daily walk while Pat tinkered on the RV.  Today the sun didn't come out until around 12:00 and at times was intermittent until later in the afternoon.  The breeze is light and temps cool.   Here's some pics of our RV site....

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