Thursday, October 20, 2011

Wednesday - Bakersfield, CA

Today was not much different than yesterday except that I only worked 5 1/2 hours in lieu of  7 or 8 and part of that was due to the fact that the local cable company came to the park to install an update.  Well... the wifi and TV was working before the guy got here and what was to be a quick fix took about an hour and half to get up and running again.(he had to go for help)  I was not a happy camper.

I guess if I have to work this much right now, Bakersfield, CA is probably a good place to be. 

Tomorrow I have made up my mind that I am getting out of the RV park come Hell or High water. So Pat has planned a bike ride for us.

I should have some pics so be sure to read Thursday's blog.

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