Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Monday & Tuesday-San Diego, CA

Monday.....Worked for 5 hours and stayed around the RV park.  Had a great dinner of grilled steak, baked potato and salad.

Tuesday.... Put in some work time and then drove downtown to Old Town.  Walked around all the buildings, museums and shops.  If you want any items that you could buy in Mexico just go to Old Town, they have it all. 

Came home and had some lunch, Pat napped and I played on the computer until time to go get my hair cut at Diva's Hair Salon.   Went to Target and got Blaze some new balls to chase after then home for the evening.

Took a few pics of the homeless in Chula Vista, looking towards downtown San Diego.  This is a street/bridge right before you enter the freeway on 5, the homeless have thier belongings on both sides of the road.  How would you like to have port-a-potties in your front yard??  This area is pretty scary.

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