Monday, November 7, 2011

Wednesday through Sunday, San Diego, CA

Wednesday....Worked, walked, just hung out.

Thursday... Worked, walked, laundry day.

Friday... Worked, it rained all day and most of Friday night.  Watched TV, played on the computer.

Saturday.... Left early this morning to avoid the crowd at both Walmart and Von's, Pat is making meatloaf, I'll make mashed potatoes and some veggies.  Took a long walk today as couldn't walk yesterday due to the rain.  Today is cool and sunny. It's in the high 60's but there are kids in the pool. I know its heated but.....WOW.  They're tougher than me.

Sunday.... It's fall back day on the time.  Blaze woke me up at 3:30 regular time, took him out for his duties and then poor thing, he's sick, throwing up.  Pat got up so at 4:00 (before moving clock back)  we are watching some taped TV series we had saved.  Had breakfast at about 5:00 (correct time) ..... I have a feeling its going to be a loooong day. Today's weather has been overcast and then about 1:30 started to rain again.  Since we've been inside all day, my diet has gone to hell, I've eaten everything in site. (boredom)   Blaze started feeling better in the afternoon and is getting back to his old self.   Tomorrow the sun should shine.  Yeah.

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