Monday, November 28, 2011

Sunday 11/20/11 to Monday 11/28/11

I'm baaaack.  What a week!  We left San Diego on Sunday the 20th of November arriving in Lake Havasu City, AZ late in the afternoon. We left a day early as wanted to check on Grandma as soon as we could.  My parents also arrived on Sunday a day earlier then originally planned but had problems at the RV park getting the site promised so they ended up staying at the state park right down the road.  There is more to that story but we won't get into that.

Monday, Pat and I went to the hospital to see Grandma.  Grandma did not have a heart attack or a stroke, at this point we're not really sure what happened to Grandma but she didn't know who I was and was not acting like the Grandmother we know.  Long story short, Grandma was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday and went back to her current Assisted Living arrangement but we don't know for how long.  It's possible that the Nursing Home may be her next residence.

While in Lake Havasu I could only work from my Iphone so will have a lot to catch up on when I get to Texas.

Thursday....Thanksgiving day and Grandma's 104th birthday.  Grandma enjoyed the day as we all did.  We all pitched in with the cooking and everyone ate too much.  A regular Thanksgiving.

Here's Grandma with me and Aunt Jerry, that's my cousin Michael in the background.

Grandma's birthday flowers

We be cooking!!!!

Grandma's birthday cake

Here's Dad taking a pic.

Here's Mom.  I think the champagne is calling her.  LOL

Friday we got up early and started our drive to Texas.  We made it all the way to Deming, NM the first day and stayed in a truck stop that night.  On Saturday we left at 4:44 AM to drive as far we could as we knew the weather conditions were not going to be good with high winds predicted.  We finally reached Ft. Stockton around 1:30 and had to stop driving as the wind was howling, blowing sand and misty rain.  We went to bed early as knew we would once again start an early trip to avoid as much wind as possible on Sunday.

Sunday, we left around 3:30-4:00 AM and finally made our destination in Georgetown around 10:30 AM.  It's funny (not!) we left Texas when the winds were blowing like crazy and now we're back 7 months later to the same crazy wind.  Also, its cold here in Texas.  Sunday nite the low was somewhere around 34 degrees.  BRR!  I miss my nice weather.   We did get to visit with our friends, David and Kathy.  Went to their house for good beef stew and cornbread, drank a little wine for the girls and beer for the guys and caught up on what everyone has been doing. 

Monday... today is catch up work day and laundry day.  This RV park doesn't charge for laundry so Pat has done most of the laundry at the park laundry while I have taken care of my clothes in the RV washer/dryer.  Pat was on his way to get the car inspected this afternoon and came back to tell me that the battery is dead.  I guess he got it started as I looked outside and the car and Pat are both gone.  Pat is also having problems getting our Dish TV to work.  Everything seems to be normal.  LOL

Tomorrow, we're going into Austin for Pat's first visit to see about getting his tooth fixed.  He's been without one front tooth for about 3 weeks now. 

Who knows what else can happen. Stay tuned.........


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