Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thursday - San Diego, CA

Thursday... Today we get to ride on the America and watch the race.  We're meeting Pat's sister, Linda at the boat.  Riding back into town on the trolley.

We're watching as they lower the boat from China into the water to get ready for the race. I really liked this boat as it had zebra stripes on the front hulls

I believe this is the French boat

Another yacht on the water watching the race.

This was the salon area of the America and where we picked up our box lunches. The wood on the boat was beautiful and polished to a tee. As you can see in the pic below the weather turned from sunny to overcast. (this is that yacht again)

Here's Linda and I feeding our faces.  Did I mention we sat across from the bar on the boat.  How convenient was that?

This is the air craft carrier, Midway

Up close and personal to one of the race boats.

We had so much fun.  We returned to the dock about 5:30, walked to the trolley and rode home.  We hit the bed early.  Tomorrow we get to tag along with the South Beach Yacht Club members for a viewing of America's race boat, the Oracle. 

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