Monday, November 14, 2011

Friday, Saturday & Sunday, San Diego, CA

Friday...Worked, walked, we went shopping and of course being Veteran's Day everywhere was crowded.

Saturday.... It rained all day, a good soaking rain, just what Texas needs.  Stayed in but we are looking forward to tomorrow as plan to go to watch the AC45 (America's Cup) trials.

Sunday.... Woke up to a beautiful day. Sunny and warm with no clouds. We opted to take the Blue Line Trolley (electric train) to downtown as parking is at a premium and many streets are closed because of the AC45 event. The ride wasn't bad with a short walk to the AC45 event.  Walked around viewing the boats, had a bite to eat and then watched the boats race.  Some of the country's racing are Korea, Australia, China, Switzerland, of course America. (I can't remember the others) See our pics.

Getting everything rigged and ready to race

Are they're off.

This octopus is made out of plastic bottles, bags, etc.

On our ride back on the trolley we rode all the way to the last stop on the rail which is right outside Tiajuana.  You can see the bridge to walk over the border.  Then back to our stop and home.

Monday and Tuesday there is no racing and Wednesday starts the actual races.  We'll be there for the action.

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