Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friday and Saturday - San Diego, CA

Friday.... Back to downtown SD by trolley early in the AM to meet with the South Beach Yacht Club group for our viewing of the Oracle......

We're watching the french guys wipe down thier boat getting ready for the race today. Love those accents.

This was our guide for the Oracle

This is the hatch in one of the hulls.  How would you like to get into that space??

This is the wing (sail) that stays on the boat.  These boats only weigh a total of 3,000 lbs.

Here's Linda, Carol and myself after the Oracle viewing.  Pat loved taking Linda by surprise.

Here's a more posed shot.

Gray and overcast again today.  These are some of the boats in the early morning, moored, waiting for the race later in the day.

We left Linda to walk back to her hotel and we took the trolley back to the RV.  We have decided to leave on Sunday in lieu of Monday to drive to Lake Havasu for Grandma's birthday and Thanksgiving as it is supposed to start raining.

Later in the evening I got a call from Dad to tell me that my Uncle Dave is in the hospital as had to have his appendics removed, (I know how that feels) and to tell me that Grandma who will be 104 on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, has been put in the hospital as possible heart attack. 

Saturday.....Trying to catch up on my office work but having wifi problems. Doing the rest of the laundry and getting everything ready for travel to Lake Havasu tomorrow.

My next blog won't be until sometime next week, if not before Thursday, hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving...  

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