Friday, December 2, 2011

Tuesday - Friday, Georgetown, TX

Tuesday....We left early this morning for Pat's dentist appointment for his lost front tooth, stopping on the way at PSI Urethanes and making a surprise visit to Pat's prior co-workers. Pat then dropped me off at my office on his way to the tooth fairy. It was great visiting with everyone and I felt that I was actually missed with everyone happy to see me. After visiting for 2 and 1/2 hours Pat finally picked me after his dentist visit

We had a great lunch at Red Lobster then off to the grocery store and a run by the house.  I picked up a few items I needed and Pat looked at starting my car.  Of course it wouldn't start so we took the battery to charge it at the RV.  The battery wouldn't take a charge so add 1 more thing to Pat's list of things to do tomorrow.

Wednesday....Putting a new battery in the car Pat found a mouse running around in the engine. Long story short he got the car running and set up some mouse traps in the garage.  Then after some landlord fixes at the house he returned to the RV.

While Pat took care of all these things I worked from the RV and ventured out and around the RV Park to get my walk.

Thursday.....Today was a busy day for Pat, he went to pick up the car and found a mouse nest in the engine area so had to get that cleaned out, had to get the license for the car renewed, gas the car up and try to get the mouse smell out of the car.  Pat then went to see our financial advisor and take the car to Discount Tire to see what was wrong with the tires.  After rotating the tires Pat made it back to the RV.  We drove to Nancy's (our house) to have dinner and catch up on things with Nancy. One things for certain, Nancy loves the house and isn't looking forward to our return in April.  We had a great dinner (Nancy is a great chef) and then got both cars back to the RV, watched a little TV and then to bed.

Friday..... Pat took the car back to the Tire shop as still not satisfied with the way the car drives.   Appears we need to get a new tire.  (we'll wait till April for that).  I worked this morning while Pat was out and about and now I'm getting ready to go spend the weekend with my daughter and grandkids.  I'm leaving at 4:30 this afternoon and won't return until Sunday. I can't wait!  It will be so good to see them.

The weather today has been rainy and cool and the forcast is more chances of rain on Saturday and then on Sunday rain and cold.

I'll blog again next week. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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