Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday - Sunday - Georgetown, TX

It's difficult for me to blog since we're in Georgetown as feels like we're at home and not traveling.

Monday and Tuesday were work days.

Wednesday.... I had a Dr's appointment in the morning then to the office to work and a meeting of our department.

Friday.......Pat and I rode together into Austin, he had a tooth appointment and I was getting my hair colored and cut.  We got back to the RV and I worked the rest of the afternoon.

Saturday..... Christmas party at our house given by Nancy who's currently living there.  We were the first to arrive and the last to leave and didn't have to clean up.  I really liked that.  The party was full of good food and visiting with friends.  We had a great time.

Sunday..... I drove to Temple and went shopping with the Samantha.  I think all the shopping has been done except for the grocery store for the Christmas Meal. 

Only a week till Christmas. WOW!  Till the next blog.....

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