Monday, December 5, 2011

Saturday, Sunday. Monday - Georgetown, TX

I'm in Temple with my daughter and grandkids for the weekend while Pat and Blaze bach it. Saturday morning Samantha, my daughter, and I woke Savanna, my granddaughter, (we tried to get Cody, my grandson, to get up and go with us but he opted to stay in bed), and we're off to eat breakfast at our favorite Mexican Restaurant and then Pedicure and Manicure time.

After our pampering we went shopping.  About 3:00 we were wearing down and still needed to get to the grocery store to get the ingredients for our dinner.  We are making chicken roll ups with wild rice and green beans.  We got to the store and made it home to have a glass of wine and wind down.

Sam and and I cooked dinner and the kids (including Savanna's boyfriend) actually liked everything.  We made it to bed about 10:30, we were worn out.  That shopping and pampering is tiring! LOL

Sunday.....We woke up about 6:30 to a rainy, wet and cold day. (What's with this Texas weather?)  Sam and I stayed in bed watching the food network and getting recipe ideas for Christmas dinner.  Around 10:30 it was time for me to travel back to Georgetown and the RV.  It only took 30 minutes for the drive home with rain all the way.  It's such a yucky day Pat and I stayed in watching TV.

Monday...... its morning and still raining and very cold.  Pat had an early Doctor's appointment in Austin but I gladly stayed home and went to work in my jammies. 

It's around 1:30 in the afternoon and the temperature has reached a toasty 42 degrees.  I'm not used to this type of weather.  I like a moderate temp within the 70 to 80 degree mark. It's supposed to get colder tonite, like freezing or below.

As this weather is so poopy, we're staying in the RV for the rest of day.  Tomorrow we have to travel to Austin for a Dr's appointment in the morning and various other chores.  Until the next blog time.

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