Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday & Sunday - San Diego, CA

Saturday.... The weather is beautiful.  Today we take a ride to look at 3 RV resorts to see if perhaps the wifi will work better for me.  After looking at all 3 there was only one I would consider but it was over 20 miles outside of San Diego and their office was closed. We won't be moving, this RV resort is in such a good location; I'll just work with the wifi and my mifi and hopefully things will work out.  Came back to the RV, I sat outside taking off the lavender buds from the lavender I bought in Montana while Pat watched some TV.  We later watched some shows we had taped previously and then to bed.  Tomorrow we are going into SD to do some touristy stuff.

Sunday..... Another lovely day.  We got downtown about 9:00 and found a great parking spot. We signed up for the Maritime Museum tour and the 45 minute pilot boat tour around the San Diego Bay.  With the Maritime Museum tour you got to visit the Berkeley, a Victorian era steam ferry with beautiful stained glass windows, the Medea a 1904 steam yacht, a Russian and an American submarine,  the Star of India, launched in 1863 and the oldest ship in the world that still maintains a regular sailing schedule, the HMS Surprise which is a replica of a late 18th century Royal Navy Frigate where some  Johnny Depp scenes were shot for the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and various other boats moored in the North Embarcadero downtown area.

Going through the Russion sub

We were lucky today that we got to watch the people that run the sails on the star of India practice putting up and tacking the sails

One of the boats we viewed is the replica, America; we will be sailing on this boat in late November with Pat's sister, Linda and some of her San Fransisco yacht club members and others during the America's Cup event.

Here's a plane coming in

Here's me sailing, haha

Coronado Bridge

Had lunch at Anthony's - not impressed, but all in all a good day.  Loving the weather.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, San Diego, CA

Tuesday..... worked, and then went to the aquarium.  We were disappointed with the aquarium as have seen larger and better.  The aquarium in Corpus beats this one hands down.  Came back to make my daily walk.  We watched a little TV.  The skies were overcast today.

Wednesday...... The same as Tuesday but we didn't leave the RV resort.

Thursday.......worked, took Blaze to Imperial Beach and walked along the shore.  Today the sun was shining but with the wind blowing, it was cool.  Came back after riding around a bit, walked and watched TV.   This was Blaze's first time on a beach.  He liked it.

Neat houses on the beach 

Friday.... Frustating day as the wifi was sooooooo slowwwwww, even after I had the office re-boot the system.  I finally gave up about noon.  The dishwasher was taken apart and put together several times as appears there is some kind of water leakage causing the machine to stop.  We're hoping it will work the next time we use it. Did laundry for the rest of the afternoon.  Watched TV and grilled hamburgers.  Today was probably the best day so far weather wise.  Sunny and warm. School was out today so alot of the kids were in the pool.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Saturday, Sunday & Monday, San Diego, CA

Saturday...We woke up early, watched a little TV, played some games on the computer and before you know it the fog has rolled in.  The fog finally burned off and the sun came out.  We went to find a walmart and grocery store.  We did our shopping and then back to the RV.  I had thought I might visit the swimming pool but before you knew the sun had gone away and the sky was overcast.  We stayed in for the remainder of the day.

Sunday......the weather wasn't much different from yesterday, but today we never saw the sun.  We took the car and drove around downtown and along the coast, found the visitor's center and brought back some literature of things to do in San Diego. During our drive we spooted a farmer's market, so I had to get out and take a peek at what they were selling.  They had a lot of vegetables and salsa's, honey, hummus, p-nut butter, some baskets and jewelry.  Neither one of us had brought a jacket with us so once we got back to the RV we had some tortilla soup to warm up.  The temperature never reached above 64 and with the moisture in the air  it seemed cooler.  I dabbled a little on face book and found that Curt Roll, our friend in San Diego had answered our face book message.  Pat called Curt and we hope to get with him when he returns from a sailing trip to sail with him again here in San Diego.  Curt is quite the sailor, he sails a lot to Fiji and New Zealand.  He knows the editor of the magazine Latitude 38 and his best friend is the skipper of the big boat we will be sailing on here in SD in a couple of weeks. He's a good person to know here in SD.  Later we had some grilled chicken breasts for dinner, a little TV and then to bed.

Monday......I put in my 3 hours of work, showered and got dressed as Pat returned after biking to get a part for the RV.  We ate a little lunch then took Blaze and went site seeing around Paradise Point and the Coronado area.  We came back to the RV and I went for my daily walk while Pat tinkered on the RV.  Today the sun didn't come out until around 12:00 and at times was intermittent until later in the afternoon.  The breeze is light and temps cool.   Here's some pics of our RV site....

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday - On the way to San Diego, CA

Friday I got up and did my 30 minute walk and then tried to work before leaving Bakersfield.  For some reason I was having wifi problems but not sure if it was the RV park or the server in Texas that was giving me problems.  After an hour I gave up as Pat was ready to leave and get on the road.

The closer we got to the LA area the worse the atmosphere looked.  Here are some pics driving in the San Bernadino area trying to stay as far away as we could from LA, we're on the east side of  LA on Hwy 15..... I couldn't live there, you can't even see the hills in the background and at times its hard to read the highway signs.  I would be afraid for my health living there.  If you're wondering, yes, these pics were taken during the middle of the day.

We got to the RV park which will be our new home for a month.  We arrived around 3:30.   We are in the Chula Vista area about 2 1/2 miles from the border of Mexico across from Tiajuana.   Aye Carumba!....I feel like I'm in Mexico, it appears that most of our neighbors are from across the border or military. 

I do like our RV spot.  We are across from the pool and laundry with a great parking spot for the car and BMW on our site, we also have a tree and grassy area.  I'll have Pat take some pics and post later.  I can't wait to get out and survey the area.  It was so pleasant last night with the windows open and cool, crisp air.

Stay tuned for what I hope is a great month.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday, Bakersfield, CA

We rode the BMW through Kern Canyon with the Kern River swiftly moving and in some places lots of white water to Lake Isabella and the Sequoia National Park.  The road was a great bike road, talk about constant curves and up and down, we did it.  In the one picture you will notice what I guess is smog? (we're close to LA) maybe smoke? (haven't heard of any fires) Notice the dark line.  Anyway, it was a good ride through the Sequoia National Park and riding around Lake Isabella.  I think my grandparents had a house somewhere in the Lake Isabella area that I visited with my parents when I was very young. Not sure. I'm sure though that my Mom will send me an e-mail after reading this to set me straight.

We stopped at Glennville to eat at the Saddle Sore Saloon. (there is nothing in this town, all I saw was the restaurat)  I have to say this was one of the best meals we've had since we left.  The special was a grilled chicken breast with bacon and smoked gouda cheese on a bread I can't remember. It was served with fries, onion rings or salad.  Pat chose the onion rings, me the salad.  The salad was as good as the sandwich.  I brought half of my sandwich home to eat for dinner. Can't wait for later. YUM

While we were eating our sandwich Pat had a mishap and broke his front tooth veneer.  When we returned to the RV he called and got an appointment with a dentist in Bakersfield and it's already fixed.

Here's some pics from Pat's ride's earlier in the week

How do you like these back yards?

This pretty much says it all.

Bakersfield is not the prettiest area in California we've been.  Like I said if I had to pick a place where I had to work a lot I guess I couldn't have chosen better. 

We're leaving in the morning heading to San Diego, my favorite place.  Can't wait.  We'll be staying there for a month.  It's going to be fun.