Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 19th - December 25th, Georgetown, TX

Monday and Tuesday...worked - nothing much going on, wrapped all Christmas presents.

Wednesday.....drove into Austin for the Central Insurance Agency Christmas party.  The food was catered by Pappadeux and was delish.  We then had a white elephant.  Fun as always.

Thursday and Friday....Worked, grocery shopped for the Christmas dishes I was supplying for the big day.  Looking forward to Mom & Dad's arrival in Temple.

Saturday, Christmas Eve...... Mom & Dad arrived so drove into Temple to visit with them and the kids.  Left early afternoon to get out of Samantha's hair so she could get ready for Christmas Morning.

Sunday, Christmas Day.... drove to Temple arriving at 8:00 am and put my frittata together and in the oven. Mom & Dad arrived at Sam's house before Pat and I.  When we got there Samantha and Mom were having a Bloody Mary. Once I put my frittata in the oven I opened a bottle of champagne. Everyone opened presents and then breakfast served.  See pics....

Vanna in her new footed jammies

Cody yawning as he was the last to get up so we could open presents


Pat talking to Jerry, Samantha's 1st husband, the kids Dad

Samantha keeping warm by the fire and Howdy, just 1 of a total of 6 dogs, including Blaze

Jude, Sam's current husband and his daughter, Adrianna

Dad, putting film in his camera.  Cody was taken aback that film was still sold.

Four generations

Four generations

Later we all dined on turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, stuffing, salted new potatoes (a new recipe Sam wanted to try), cranberry sauce, green bean casserole and rolls.  Dessert was a strawberry & raspberry trifle made by moi, pumpkin and apple pies furnished by Sam, oh and lots of  homemade cookies furnished by Mom.  Lots of champagne and wine.  It was a great day.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday - Sunday - Georgetown, TX

It's difficult for me to blog since we're in Georgetown as feels like we're at home and not traveling.

Monday and Tuesday were work days.

Wednesday.... I had a Dr's appointment in the morning then to the office to work and a meeting of our department.


Friday.......Pat and I rode together into Austin, he had a tooth appointment and I was getting my hair colored and cut.  We got back to the RV and I worked the rest of the afternoon.

Saturday..... Christmas party at our house given by Nancy who's currently living there.  We were the first to arrive and the last to leave and didn't have to clean up.  I really liked that.  The party was full of good food and visiting with friends.  We had a great time.

Sunday..... I drove to Temple and went shopping with the Samantha.  I think all the shopping has been done except for the grocery store for the Christmas Meal. 

Only a week till Christmas. WOW!  Till the next blog.....

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tuesday through Sunday 12/6 to 12/11 Georgetown, TX

I have been remiss in blogging as don't feel like we are still traveling since so close to home.

Tuesday.... Pat and I had Dr's appointments and then back to the RV and work.

Wednesday..... I worked most all day.

Thursday.... I had an early Dr's appointment and blood work, left the RV about 6:45.  After my first Dr. appointment went to my office and worked.  Felt like old times.  Pat and I have decided that we will return to Austin and home in March with me going back to work in April.  Pat and I then had Dentist's appointments, so met there and then both driving back separately to the RV, me in the car and him on his BMW.

Friday...... I worked then later in the day we went to a cycle shop in Georgetown and to HEB.  Wohoo.

Saturday.... I got up early and drove to Temple to get Samantha and go shopping.  I have completed all my Christmas shopping and Sam and I have planned our Christmas dinner so I think we are set.  Mom and Dad will be joining us at Samantha's for Christmas and then will be in Kingsland for New Years Eve.  It should be a wonderful holiday.

Sunday...... I drove home from Samantha's about 9:00 am and then got ready to go to the BMW Christmas Party.  It was a lovely party and good to visit with all the BMW riders.  Steve and Claudette were at the party, so nice to see them again, this is the couple we had dinner with while in Placerville, CA. They are back at their home in Lago Vista.  Pat and I did pretty good at the White Elephant gift exchange.  He got a cover for the BMW and I got a nice bottle of wine.

Till the next blog.......

Monday, December 5, 2011

Saturday, Sunday. Monday - Georgetown, TX

I'm in Temple with my daughter and grandkids for the weekend while Pat and Blaze bach it. Saturday morning Samantha, my daughter, and I woke Savanna, my granddaughter, (we tried to get Cody, my grandson, to get up and go with us but he opted to stay in bed), and we're off to eat breakfast at our favorite Mexican Restaurant and then Pedicure and Manicure time.

After our pampering we went shopping.  About 3:00 we were wearing down and still needed to get to the grocery store to get the ingredients for our dinner.  We are making chicken roll ups with wild rice and green beans.  We got to the store and made it home to have a glass of wine and wind down.

Sam and and I cooked dinner and the kids (including Savanna's boyfriend) actually liked everything.  We made it to bed about 10:30, we were worn out.  That shopping and pampering is tiring! LOL

Sunday.....We woke up about 6:30 to a rainy, wet and cold day. (What's with this Texas weather?)  Sam and I stayed in bed watching the food network and getting recipe ideas for Christmas dinner.  Around 10:30 it was time for me to travel back to Georgetown and the RV.  It only took 30 minutes for the drive home with rain all the way.  It's such a yucky day Pat and I stayed in watching TV.

Monday...... its morning and still raining and very cold.  Pat had an early Doctor's appointment in Austin but I gladly stayed home and went to work in my jammies. 

It's around 1:30 in the afternoon and the temperature has reached a toasty 42 degrees.  I'm not used to this type of weather.  I like a moderate temp within the 70 to 80 degree mark. It's supposed to get colder tonite, like freezing or below.

As this weather is so poopy, we're staying in the RV for the rest of day.  Tomorrow we have to travel to Austin for a Dr's appointment in the morning and various other chores.  Until the next blog time.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Tuesday - Friday, Georgetown, TX

Tuesday....We left early this morning for Pat's dentist appointment for his lost front tooth, stopping on the way at PSI Urethanes and making a surprise visit to Pat's prior co-workers. Pat then dropped me off at my office on his way to the tooth fairy. It was great visiting with everyone and I felt that I was actually missed with everyone happy to see me. After visiting for 2 and 1/2 hours Pat finally picked me after his dentist visit

We had a great lunch at Red Lobster then off to the grocery store and a run by the house.  I picked up a few items I needed and Pat looked at starting my car.  Of course it wouldn't start so we took the battery to charge it at the RV.  The battery wouldn't take a charge so add 1 more thing to Pat's list of things to do tomorrow.

Wednesday....Putting a new battery in the car Pat found a mouse running around in the engine. Long story short he got the car running and set up some mouse traps in the garage.  Then after some landlord fixes at the house he returned to the RV.

While Pat took care of all these things I worked from the RV and ventured out and around the RV Park to get my walk.

Thursday.....Today was a busy day for Pat, he went to pick up the car and found a mouse nest in the engine area so had to get that cleaned out, had to get the license for the car renewed, gas the car up and try to get the mouse smell out of the car.  Pat then went to see our financial advisor and take the car to Discount Tire to see what was wrong with the tires.  After rotating the tires Pat made it back to the RV.  We drove to Nancy's (our house) to have dinner and catch up on things with Nancy. One things for certain, Nancy loves the house and isn't looking forward to our return in April.  We had a great dinner (Nancy is a great chef) and then got both cars back to the RV, watched a little TV and then to bed.

Friday..... Pat took the car back to the Tire shop as still not satisfied with the way the car drives.   Appears we need to get a new tire.  (we'll wait till April for that).  I worked this morning while Pat was out and about and now I'm getting ready to go spend the weekend with my daughter and grandkids.  I'm leaving at 4:30 this afternoon and won't return until Sunday. I can't wait!  It will be so good to see them.

The weather today has been rainy and cool and the forcast is more chances of rain on Saturday and then on Sunday rain and cold.

I'll blog again next week. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sunday 11/20/11 to Monday 11/28/11

I'm baaaack.  What a week!  We left San Diego on Sunday the 20th of November arriving in Lake Havasu City, AZ late in the afternoon. We left a day early as wanted to check on Grandma as soon as we could.  My parents also arrived on Sunday a day earlier then originally planned but had problems at the RV park getting the site promised so they ended up staying at the state park right down the road.  There is more to that story but we won't get into that.

Monday, Pat and I went to the hospital to see Grandma.  Grandma did not have a heart attack or a stroke, at this point we're not really sure what happened to Grandma but she didn't know who I was and was not acting like the Grandmother we know.  Long story short, Grandma was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday and went back to her current Assisted Living arrangement but we don't know for how long.  It's possible that the Nursing Home may be her next residence.

While in Lake Havasu I could only work from my Iphone so will have a lot to catch up on when I get to Texas.

Thursday....Thanksgiving day and Grandma's 104th birthday.  Grandma enjoyed the day as we all did.  We all pitched in with the cooking and everyone ate too much.  A regular Thanksgiving.

Here's Grandma with me and Aunt Jerry, that's my cousin Michael in the background.

Grandma's birthday flowers

We be cooking!!!!

Grandma's birthday cake

Here's Dad taking a pic.

Here's Mom.  I think the champagne is calling her.  LOL

Friday we got up early and started our drive to Texas.  We made it all the way to Deming, NM the first day and stayed in a truck stop that night.  On Saturday we left at 4:44 AM to drive as far we could as we knew the weather conditions were not going to be good with high winds predicted.  We finally reached Ft. Stockton around 1:30 and had to stop driving as the wind was howling, blowing sand and misty rain.  We went to bed early as knew we would once again start an early trip to avoid as much wind as possible on Sunday.

Sunday, we left around 3:30-4:00 AM and finally made our destination in Georgetown around 10:30 AM.  It's funny (not!) we left Texas when the winds were blowing like crazy and now we're back 7 months later to the same crazy wind.  Also, its cold here in Texas.  Sunday nite the low was somewhere around 34 degrees.  BRR!  I miss my nice weather.   We did get to visit with our friends, David and Kathy.  Went to their house for good beef stew and cornbread, drank a little wine for the girls and beer for the guys and caught up on what everyone has been doing. 

Monday... today is catch up work day and laundry day.  This RV park doesn't charge for laundry so Pat has done most of the laundry at the park laundry while I have taken care of my clothes in the RV washer/dryer.  Pat was on his way to get the car inspected this afternoon and came back to tell me that the battery is dead.  I guess he got it started as I looked outside and the car and Pat are both gone.  Pat is also having problems getting our Dish TV to work.  Everything seems to be normal.  LOL

Tomorrow, we're going into Austin for Pat's first visit to see about getting his tooth fixed.  He's been without one front tooth for about 3 weeks now. 

Who knows what else can happen. Stay tuned.........


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friday and Saturday - San Diego, CA

Friday.... Back to downtown SD by trolley early in the AM to meet with the South Beach Yacht Club group for our viewing of the Oracle......

We're watching the french guys wipe down thier boat getting ready for the race today. Love those accents.

This was our guide for the Oracle

This is the hatch in one of the hulls.  How would you like to get into that space??

This is the wing (sail) that stays on the boat.  These boats only weigh a total of 3,000 lbs.

Here's Linda, Carol and myself after the Oracle viewing.  Pat loved taking Linda by surprise.

Here's a more posed shot.

Gray and overcast again today.  These are some of the boats in the early morning, moored, waiting for the race later in the day.

We left Linda to walk back to her hotel and we took the trolley back to the RV.  We have decided to leave on Sunday in lieu of Monday to drive to Lake Havasu for Grandma's birthday and Thanksgiving as it is supposed to start raining.

Later in the evening I got a call from Dad to tell me that my Uncle Dave is in the hospital as had to have his appendics removed, (I know how that feels) and to tell me that Grandma who will be 104 on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, has been put in the hospital as possible heart attack. 

Saturday.....Trying to catch up on my office work but having wifi problems. Doing the rest of the laundry and getting everything ready for travel to Lake Havasu tomorrow.

My next blog won't be until sometime next week, if not before Thursday, hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving...  

Thursday - San Diego, CA

Thursday... Today we get to ride on the America and watch the race.  We're meeting Pat's sister, Linda at the boat.  Riding back into town on the trolley.

We're watching as they lower the boat from China into the water to get ready for the race. I really liked this boat as it had zebra stripes on the front hulls

I believe this is the French boat

Another yacht on the water watching the race.

This was the salon area of the America and where we picked up our box lunches. The wood on the boat was beautiful and polished to a tee. As you can see in the pic below the weather turned from sunny to overcast. (this is that yacht again)

Here's Linda and I feeding our faces.  Did I mention we sat across from the bar on the boat.  How convenient was that?

This is the air craft carrier, Midway

Up close and personal to one of the race boats.

We had so much fun.  We returned to the dock about 5:30, walked to the trolley and rode home.  We hit the bed early.  Tomorrow we get to tag along with the South Beach Yacht Club members for a viewing of America's race boat, the Oracle.