Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012, Nashville TN

Happy Anniversary to Mom & Dad, the big #63.  I got a voice message from Dad today during our all  Tour of Nashville wishing congrates to Pat & I a belated Anniversary and yes Dad I did remember that this was you and Mom's anniversary today but didn't know it was #63.

We got up this morning to 43 degrees and weather predicting heavy winds and they were right, at least the sun was shining.  We had breakfast and then we're ready for the big Nashville tour.  The tour we signed up for picks us up at the RV park and brings us back after the tour.  I thought this was great. No having to find a parking spot and someone else is driving while we can ogle all we want.
We took the tour that combined 2 tours in one so it wouldn't interfere to much with with my working.  We viewed the downtown area by bus and then actually walked through the Ryman Auditoriam and  the Country Hall of Fame.  There is so much history here and a beautiful city.  This was the morning tour and then we were on on own for lunch.  Opted to dine at the Hardrock Cafe which  was across the street from the bus/train station where the buses pick you up for the tours. I had a a killer sanderwich at the Hardrock that had poached chicken, dried cranberries and goat cheese served with a side salad, YUM. Pat had a bbq sandwich with the trimmings.

After lunch we took the tour of the Stars Homes in Nashville.  It was interesting and we got to see some very, very nice homes but it was a long day of sitting on the bus.     Next time I will  opt to take 2 separate tours and not try to do everything in one day.  We left at 8:15 and didn't get home until 5:15.  Poor Blaze, but of course he was fine and happy to see us.

Enjoy the pics we took today....

This sculpture cost Tennessee $250,000


The 2 pics above are a part of Dolly Parton's home.

The above is a sculpture of Naked danccers.

It was a long day and we are tired, I 'm sure it's early to bed tonight.

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