Sunday, April 15, 2012

4/14/12 Continued.... and 4/15/12 Hot Springs, AR

4/14/12 Continued......I almost forgot to tell everyone that Pat and I ran into another Pat and Laura at the Lake Park RV in Lewisville, TX. They are slightly younger (LOL) than us, they are in thier late 40's and have been living in thier trailer for 10 months. (they had already sold thier home and downsized trying to save thier money) Laura had been a nurse but got burned out so not currently working and Pat is still working and when we left had just taken a promotion. They plan to backpack the United States and abroad when the right time comes. Laura is blonde and wears black, that is about the only things we have in common as she is much shorter than me. I'm not sure exactly what the Pat's have in common only that the other Pat is not as out there as my Pat. On Friday we met Pat and Laura for drinks at Sneakey Pete's, a bar on the Lewisville Lake. On Saturday we had Happy Hour at our place. This might be the only time we ever meet another Pat and Laura.

We are staying at the Cloud Nine RV Park outside of Hot Springs, AR. Arkansas is beautiful, very green with dogwoods and honeysuckle everywhere, you can smell the honeysuckle even with the windows closed. It's Saturday and overcast but we have opted to take a short ride on the bike on the Jack Mountain Run, a ride shown in the Hot Springs Ride Guide brochure.

There are fields of red flowers everywhere.  See pics taken on our ride.

Our ride was short and as we started home it began to sprinkle, but of course by the time we got back to the RV the sun was out and it was warming up.

We hung out around the RV for the rest of the day, Pat gave Blaze a haircut and then I gave him a bath.  I took a walk along the steep drive going up to the RV Park (why do you think they call this Cloud Nine? - It's up in the clouds).  I checked out all the buildings around the Park, the laundry/shower building and the rec room building.   I also was catching up on laundry since we didn't have sewer at Lake Park RV in Lewisville.

Dinner tonight is a big juicy steak, baked onion with garlic and butter and a salad. 

4/15/12.... got up and finished with a couple loads of laundry and then it was time to take a ride into town to check out Walmart.  We drove by car into Hot Springs and then drove a couple more roads suggested in the Hot Springs Ride Guide.  We drove the Mountain Tower Ride, a steep road with sharp curves.  The brochure stated it was not for the faint of heart.... piece of cake for me and Pat.  Then we took the West Mountain Ride which was not quite so curvy but you get a good view of town.  See pics.


Then it was off to Walmart and Krogers for groceries, etc.  Back to the RV and will probably stay in the rest of the afternoon as they are predicting storms around 6:00 this evening.

Will keep you posted on the rides we take so stay tuned......

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