Thursday, April 19, 2012

4/18/18 & 4/19/12, Hot Springs, AR

Wednesday....Today's my Dad's birthday.  Happy Birthday Dad!  I haven't mentioned how quiet this RV park is.  It is the quietest park we have visited in our travels.  Maybe because we're over 100 feet above the highway with lots of trees as a buffer.

Awoke again to a cool morning with temps reaching the high 70's by afternoon with lots of sunny clear skies.  Today we opted for riding in the SUV and not the motorcycle and drove to Little Rock to visit the William J Clinton Presidential Library.  (Yes they allow Republicans in the building)  Everyone must go through a scanner just like the airport with cameras and phones going through x-ray-just like the airport.

Pat thinks the building looks like a double-wide trailer - see pic.... I really kind of like it as is very modern.

This is a stairway to no where with stairs on the other side of the grassy area. Thers's 2 of these. Wierd.

This is a cool water feature in the front of the building.

We thought everyone would like to see a picture of thier china that's in the White House.  It does belong to the people, right?

These 2 pics are replicas of the Oval Office

Thursday... Drove into Hot Springs to walk the downtown area.  Parked and walked both sides of the street going into shops like all tourists do.  There was one Shop that I loved, it had women's clothing and accessories that were bedazzeled, glittery and jeweled with a little zebra thrown in. 

We visited the visitor center that was in one of the Bath houses and got to view the Bath House the way it was many years ago.  It was pretty interesting.  They had the gymnasium like it was in the 20's.  Boy we have come along way in work out equipment.  

Stopped at Stubby's BBQ for lunch.  Didn't really care for the beans or potato salad, the meat was tender with little fat and the bbq sauce was different than we're used to but Pat finished his plate, I left some beans on mine and I brought 1/2 the meat on my plate home.  They always give you too much.

Tomorrow is our 16th wedding Anniversay, add the 3 years that Pat and I were together before marriage that's a total of 19 years.  WOW!  We're heading to Memphis, TN tomorrow.  Elvis Presley here we come......

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