Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 20, 21 & 22, 2012-Memphis to Nashville

Friday.... Happy Anniversary to Pat and Me. (Helen, thanks for the Congrats)  We left Big Springs, AR hoping to outrun the rain, but it didn't work, so drove in the rain part of the day nd it was still overcast when we pulled into the RV Park just down the road from Graceland and the Hearthrob Hotel on Elvis Presley Drive.  We didn't arrive in Memphis until around 3:30 so just relaxed for the rest of the day and planned for Saturday.

Saturday..... We awoke to 50 degrees and gray skies.  We had breakfast and got dressed and then at 9:00 headed to all things Elvis to visit Graceland and all the trimmings.  We actually thought we might be on the Elvis gift shop tour as  there are 11 gift shops you go through as you tour all the things that come with the Platinum tour (which we signed up for).  We thought getting there early we would avoid some of the crowd.  Wrong, they bus people in and there are many groups that go on the tour.  The total tour took about 3 1/2 hours.

It was still overcast when we left our Elvis tour and returned to the RV for lunch.  Then low and behold the sun came out and it warmed up.  We decided to take a car ride around the town of Memphis and then to Millington, a Navy base where Pat was stationed for about 6 months, then we drove through the Shelby Forest.  We took Blaze with us as I was feeling we had been neglecting him.... he's so spoiled.

Here we are at a Park near downtown on the Mississippi River 

The above are pics of Graceland taken from Elvis Presley Drive

Sunday......This morning we woke up to 48 degrees but the sun was shining.  We had breakfast then got the RV ready to roll down the road to Nashville.  We got to Nashville a little after noon, got set up, and had leftover bbq ribs that Pat had purchased for last nights dinner in Memphis.  I like Texas bbq the best.

The sun peaks out every so often but mostly its cool and overcast.

We received a very sad e-mail this afternoon from Wayne regarding his wonderful friend Sarah.  Sarah passed away today.  Wayne had told us that Sarah had suffered a fall on Thursday, was taken to the hospital with a broken hip and a badly bruised shoulder and this news today was very unexpected.  Sarah will be missed, she was a lovely person.

Stay tuned for the Nashville tour......

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