Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 19 thru 24th, LaFeria, TX

Thursday.... We got up early today and I worked for a while and then we were off to Progresso, Mexico. Mom & Dad went with us.  We walked several blocks stopping at several shops to look and see what we might want to purchase on our way back from lunch.  We met up with Cindy and Larry at Garcia's Restaurant.  We had a great lunch with drinks, some had steak and shrimp kabobs, Mom & I had a shrimp salad stuffed avocado, Larry had frogs legs and Cindy had a small steak and of course we had our cocktails.  Great fun was had by all and then it was time to make our purchases and head home.  Mom bought a large star to put on her house and Dad purchased some cognac.  Me, I just bought a bottle of vanilla.  We got home and then a little later met up with everyone for happy hour.

Friday..... James and Barbara, a couple we have met in the RV park had our whole gang along with many other people they have friended while here for a bar-b-que at their RV site.  It was a wonderful time.  We all said our good-byes to Mike & Lynette as they are leaving early in the morning heading back home and then on to Round Rock where Mike is having hip surgery.  We wish him well.

Saturday..... we didn't do much but hang around the park.  For happy hour Pat made potato skins with cheese, bacon, sour cream and chives.  I wish I wasn't on my diet as I didn't get to eat any but they went fast.

Sunday.... pretty much the same and then a great happy hour with lots of food.  We had Marilyn's Mistake Soup (chicken soup with gouda cheese-Yummy), warm bread with a herbed butter furnished by Bebe, Barbara brought Mexican seven layer dip with chips, and a new couple that joined us brought deviled eggs and Meko brought a slaw with noodles.  We had a great time.

Monday.... I worked most of the day while Pat went with the guys and played golf.  Our usual happy hour and then some TV before off to bed.

Tuesday.... Today Mom & Dad left to return to La Luz, New Mexico.  They will be missed. I worked and as today is Bebe's birthday we all met at Fat Daddy's for lunch.  We all had a great time then Pat and I shopped Walmart and HEB.  It's so windy here that Pat and I have decided to forgo Happy Hour.  I feel so guilty as I didn't get my hour walk in today.  Oh well, tomorrow's another day.  I think I'll have a glass of wine.  Till the next blog.........

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