Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 9 to Jan 18, 2012, La Feria, TX

It's been 10 days since my last blog.  Since I've been dieting I have been doing some cooking.  The week of the 9th I worked, did my walking and just the usual.  Pat went golfing a did a little bike riding.

On Friday, the 13th, we had Mom & Dad to dinner.  Pat grilled shrimp and I made a vegetable rice salad and a tossed salad.  It was scrumptious.

Saturday we went to a huge flea market in Weslaco.  I bought 4 books for $5.00.

Sunday I made chicken tortilla soup with fire roasted tomatoes.  I surprised myself and everyone else as it was GOOD.  Mom and Dad had been invited to try out my cooking and I think I even impressed them.

Monday, the 16th was the same as usual, work, walking, etc.  I took the leftover soup to happy hour on Monday and everyone there seemed to enjoy the soup. It was a fun happy hour with everyone telling funny stories on themselves. It was another windy day.

Tuesday was a HOT day, in the 80's and a little less windy than Monday.  Pat went to play golf and then we had a happy hour with all couples showing up.  Mom had her martini's and I drank some wine. This was my first happy hour to actually have a drink.

Wednesday was a heavy work day for me.  I didn't even go for my walk today.  I'm heading out to happy hour.  Till the next blog......

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