Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 3rd to 8th, La Feria, TX

Tuesday....Worked, walked, still on my diet.  Pat played golf.

Wednesday...... Ditto and then went to Happy Hour with everyone this afternoon.  There was plenty to eat and some were having a cocktail but not me.  I've given up having my wine for 2 weeks as trying to lose those pounds.

Thursday.......Pretty much the same and Tuesday and Wednesday.

Friday....Same-O-Same-O.  Pat played golf.

Saturday.........Went for my walk then got dressed and Pat and drove to downtown Harlingen for the flea market.  There was lots of food and bands playing.  Pat found a hat and an insulated mug that he has been looking for for a long time.  I found a booth selling Scentsy scents so bought a new scent.
Came home and sat outside reading trying to soak up some sun.  It was 80 degrees today.  Everyone came to our RV for happy hour today as we have plenty of shade.  Still dieting and no drinking.  I've lost 6 + pounds.  Today has been a full week of keeping to my diet.  Yeah

Sunday......We got up I made my walk and got dressed to take a ride to South Padre by motorcycle. When we started out the wind was blowing pretty good but by the time we road around the SPI and ate lunch at Blackbeards the wind the was howling.  We stopped at Walmart and the wind was blowing so hard I found it hard to stand still as the wind was blowing me.  Anyway.... we did make it home (it was a struggle but we made it) and as I write this blog the wind is still howling.  Here's some pics of our trip to SPI.  The below are pics of Bobz Place, not sure exactly what's inside but think it is a souvenir shop.  The last pic Pat just had to take - notice the name of the mowing company -  "9 Toes".  LOL

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