Thursday, February 23, 2012

Saturday 2/11/12 to Wednesday, 2/22/12 La Feria, TX

Saturday......It stopped raining and started out sunny but then turned overcast.  We opted to go to the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville.  They had many different breeds of monkey's, a great reptile house  (Helen, if you are looking at the pics you might want to skip the last few as they are S's) See pics

Friday, February 10, 2012

Monday 2/6/12 through Friday 2/10/12 - La Feria, TX

Monday... Still couldn't get my VPN to work so the office had to get their IT people to work on it.  Hopefully tomorrow I can get back to work.

Tuesday...Today is the day that all the crafts people bring their wares to the RV Park. Pat came and got me as they had some T-shirts with Wine sayings and of course sparkles.  I purchased a great pair of flip flops - the straps are zebra with gemstones, so cool and then 2 shirts.  One shirt says "Pick me, Squeeze me, Make me Wine" of course in sparkly letters with grapes and a wine glass. The other shirt says, and ya'll are going to like this, it's so me, "On My Diet Wine is My Fruit".

After shopping we went with Larry and Cindy to Progresso, Mexico to have lunch at Garcia's and buy some dog heartworm meds on the cheap.  Larry drove and it took forever to get into Mexico, the line was long and I'm not sure why unless they were stopping a lot of cars.  They didn't stop us to inspect our vehicle, but since the line was so long and 2 lanes had to go into 1 lane people were getting impatient and there was a guy that tried to barge his way into our lane.  We thought he was going to hit Larry's car but instead he hit the person in front of him since he was riding their bumper.  Pat gave him the thumbs up sign as we went past and he gave Pat the finger.

At Garcia's, Cindy and I both had the Filet Mignon, baked potato, vegetables and salad, the guys had broiled frog legs, onion rings, rice and salad.  It's hard to believe we can get all of this for only $8.95 each entree and that includes dessert.  Oh yes, we all had Margaritas, except Pat, he had a couple of beers.  The Margaritas were excellent.  The line getting back into the States was just as long as getting into Mexico, we waited a long time.  Cindy and I were wishing we had gotten a Margarita to go.  It was a full day.

Wednesday...... It has started raining, rained all night and all day.  I worked for 8 hours today to make up for those days when I couldn't work.

Thursday........It's still raining. We drove to the Bass Pro Shop just to be able to get out of the RV and walk around. They had a restaurant and a bowling alley "Fish Bowl" in this building. They had everything from dishes to jewelry, furniture "Camo" and of course all the sporting goods.

Friday......It's still overcast with a threat of rain.  Pat cooked today, made meatloaf, mashed potatoes and salad. We had Cindy and Larry over for lunch.  It was delish!  Till next time

2/1/12 thru 2/5/12, La Feria, TX

Wednesday.....Nothing special, same-o, same-o.

Thursday..... Larry & Cindy, Pat and I rode to South Padre Island today to visit the Turtle sanctuary, Sea Turtle, Inc.   There is a turtle at the sanctuary that is famous, been on TV, YouTube, etc as she has a carbon fiber dorsal fin that has been attached to her body so that she doesn't have to swim in circles.  Allison is her name and she arrived  at the sanctuary as a hand-size, bloodied turtle with little chance of survival in 2005.  Rescuers believe a shark probably chomped the three flippers. Two-flipper turtles can be adopted by zoos and three-flipper turtles can be safely returned to the wild, but with only one, a turtle spins and struggles to break the surface to breathe. They are usually euthanized.  She lost all but 1 leg when very small and the original rudder was made by a man from Colorado. If you'd like to read more about Allison you can google her.

After out turtle adventure we dined at Daddy's.  I had the shrimp kabob and it was great.  Cindy had her usual at Daddy's, Oyster Rockefeller.  I tasted the 3 cheese sauce served on the oysters and it was to die for.  Pat and Larry had the Thursday special which was Shrimp marinara and the shrimp had Cajun seasoning, they were spicy!

Friday.......Pat and Larry went to Play golf then they picked up Cindy and went to eat at Lin's, a Chinese buffet.  I bowed out as not really into Chinese and since I'm still dieting didn't want to be tempted by a buffet, but when Pat returned and told me about the place I may make an exception and go there to eat before we leave the area.  Pat said the place was quite impressive as they have like 4 long tables of food with every kind of anything you can think of, including a table of salads and I believe the price is something like $8.99.

I wasn't able to work much on Thursday or Friday since the office is having Fire Wall problems and is to have replaced by Friday at 3:00 PM.  Due to the fire wall problem I'm unable to get my VPN to hook up with the office so my Outlook won't work.  I'm hoping Monday I can get busy and get some things done.

Saturday...... Got up early and went shopping  at Walmart & HEB, since Friday is payday and the Super Bowl Sunday we figured there would be a crowd at the store.  Believe it or not, but I'm going to cook tomorrow.  I want to make some kind of Green Chili Casserole or Enchiladas.  I'm also making a Margarita Salad to go with my entree.  The dressing is what makes the Margarita Salad, you guessed it, it has Tequila and Orange Liqueur in it, among other things. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Sunday.....Well I cooked my Green Chili Casserole and was a little disappointed in the results.  It was not as spicy as I would have liked and the Margarita Salad dressing could have used a bit more alcohol, which I have added to use another time.  It was edible and I guess that's all that matters.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Wednesday 1/25/12 to Tuesday 1/31/12 La Feria, TX

Wednesday & Thursday were just normal days with work, walking, laundry.... nothing special.

Friday.....We went to lunch at the 83 Bar and Grill with Mel & Bebe and Larry & Cindy meeting Sandy, who used to cook chili back in the day.  Well, it was great fun as Sandy had some great stories.  I think we spent at least 2 hours at the restaurant.

Saturday......Gary & Mieko left to get back home in East Texas.  It was great fun meeting and getting to know both of them.  Mieko does origami and gave me a beautiful card with an origami flower she designed.  Later in the morning we went with Mel & Bebe to the Flea Market.  I bought a solar yard light.  It's a globe that turns colors at night.  I guess I'm going to have to save it until we move to another location as we are in the shade for most of the day at our site and then we have a huge vapor light that shines on our site at nite.  Anyway the guys had a beer while shopping and I drank a glass of wine.  Mel and Bebe left and then we met up with Lynn, Cindy & Larry in the bar/restaurant at the flea market while they drank a beer then back to the RV.  We spent happy hour with a new couple Mike and Mary who had invited us earlier in the week.  It was pretty windy at their place but we stayed long enough for me to ruin my diet with pizza and a brownie (Pat made the brownies).

Sunday.... Pat got up early to ride into Harlingen and meet up with the bunch of bikers that ride the area each Saturday.  He made it back around 12:00.  We didn't do much but laze around on Sunday afternoon.  I did get my walk in and after pizza and brownies needed the walk.

Monday...... The guys were going to go play golf today but it started raining so they have postponed golf until tomorrow.

Tuesday........A nothing special day, just the usual.