Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 19 thru 24th, LaFeria, TX

Thursday.... We got up early today and I worked for a while and then we were off to Progresso, Mexico. Mom & Dad went with us.  We walked several blocks stopping at several shops to look and see what we might want to purchase on our way back from lunch.  We met up with Cindy and Larry at Garcia's Restaurant.  We had a great lunch with drinks, some had steak and shrimp kabobs, Mom & I had a shrimp salad stuffed avocado, Larry had frogs legs and Cindy had a small steak and of course we had our cocktails.  Great fun was had by all and then it was time to make our purchases and head home.  Mom bought a large star to put on her house and Dad purchased some cognac.  Me, I just bought a bottle of vanilla.  We got home and then a little later met up with everyone for happy hour.

Friday..... James and Barbara, a couple we have met in the RV park had our whole gang along with many other people they have friended while here for a bar-b-que at their RV site.  It was a wonderful time.  We all said our good-byes to Mike & Lynette as they are leaving early in the morning heading back home and then on to Round Rock where Mike is having hip surgery.  We wish him well.

Saturday..... we didn't do much but hang around the park.  For happy hour Pat made potato skins with cheese, bacon, sour cream and chives.  I wish I wasn't on my diet as I didn't get to eat any but they went fast.

Sunday.... pretty much the same and then a great happy hour with lots of food.  We had Marilyn's Mistake Soup (chicken soup with gouda cheese-Yummy), warm bread with a herbed butter furnished by Bebe, Barbara brought Mexican seven layer dip with chips, and a new couple that joined us brought deviled eggs and Meko brought a slaw with noodles.  We had a great time.

Monday.... I worked most of the day while Pat went with the guys and played golf.  Our usual happy hour and then some TV before off to bed.

Tuesday.... Today Mom & Dad left to return to La Luz, New Mexico.  They will be missed. I worked and as today is Bebe's birthday we all met at Fat Daddy's for lunch.  We all had a great time then Pat and I shopped Walmart and HEB.  It's so windy here that Pat and I have decided to forgo Happy Hour.  I feel so guilty as I didn't get my hour walk in today.  Oh well, tomorrow's another day.  I think I'll have a glass of wine.  Till the next blog.........

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 9 to Jan 18, 2012, La Feria, TX

It's been 10 days since my last blog.  Since I've been dieting I have been doing some cooking.  The week of the 9th I worked, did my walking and just the usual.  Pat went golfing a did a little bike riding.

On Friday, the 13th, we had Mom & Dad to dinner.  Pat grilled shrimp and I made a vegetable rice salad and a tossed salad.  It was scrumptious.

Saturday we went to a huge flea market in Weslaco.  I bought 4 books for $5.00.

Sunday I made chicken tortilla soup with fire roasted tomatoes.  I surprised myself and everyone else as it was GOOD.  Mom and Dad had been invited to try out my cooking and I think I even impressed them.

Monday, the 16th was the same as usual, work, walking, etc.  I took the leftover soup to happy hour on Monday and everyone there seemed to enjoy the soup. It was a fun happy hour with everyone telling funny stories on themselves. It was another windy day.

Tuesday was a HOT day, in the 80's and a little less windy than Monday.  Pat went to play golf and then we had a happy hour with all couples showing up.  Mom had her martini's and I drank some wine. This was my first happy hour to actually have a drink.

Wednesday was a heavy work day for me.  I didn't even go for my walk today.  I'm heading out to happy hour.  Till the next blog......

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 3rd to 8th, La Feria, TX

Tuesday....Worked, walked, still on my diet.  Pat played golf.

Wednesday...... Ditto and then went to Happy Hour with everyone this afternoon.  There was plenty to eat and some were having a cocktail but not me.  I've given up having my wine for 2 weeks as trying to lose those pounds.

Thursday.......Pretty much the same and Tuesday and Wednesday.

Friday....Same-O-Same-O.  Pat played golf.

Saturday.........Went for my walk then got dressed and Pat and drove to downtown Harlingen for the flea market.  There was lots of food and bands playing.  Pat found a hat and an insulated mug that he has been looking for for a long time.  I found a booth selling Scentsy scents so bought a new scent.
Came home and sat outside reading trying to soak up some sun.  It was 80 degrees today.  Everyone came to our RV for happy hour today as we have plenty of shade.  Still dieting and no drinking.  I've lost 6 + pounds.  Today has been a full week of keeping to my diet.  Yeah

Sunday......We got up I made my walk and got dressed to take a ride to South Padre by motorcycle. When we started out the wind was blowing pretty good but by the time we road around the SPI and ate lunch at Blackbeards the wind the was howling.  We stopped at Walmart and the wind was blowing so hard I found it hard to stand still as the wind was blowing me.  Anyway.... we did make it home (it was a struggle but we made it) and as I write this blog the wind is still howling.  Here's some pics of our trip to SPI.  The below are pics of Bobz Place, not sure exactly what's inside but think it is a souvenir shop.  The last pic Pat just had to take - notice the name of the mowing company -  "9 Toes".  LOL

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year - January 1 and 2, 2012

Sunday……..Drove to La Feria, leaving Kingsland about 7:30.  We’re meeting up with several friends at the Kenwood RV resort and Mom & Dad have also decided to join everyone for the month.  We arrived at La Feria and got parked, then Mom & Dad pulled, Lynn was next and then Larry and Cindy.  Mike and Lynette are already here and Mel and Bebee are expected tomorrow.  I understand there are others that I haven’t met before but know everyone else coming.  There should be a total of 18 when all arrive.   The sites are very close and narrow at this park but there is an enclosed swimming pool, an exercise room a billards room, rec room, laundry, etc.  I started reading “The Help”.  It’s hard for me to put down.  Pat retired about 8:30 with Blaze and I following about 9:30. 

Monday……….Got up had my breakfast then out for the morning walk by 8:00.  It was cold this morning around 38-40 degrees.  Mom had planned on walking with me but when I went to get her she was just drinking her first cup of coffee…. So off I went.  After making the walk, explored all the amenities.  Later it was off to HEB to load up on fresh veggies as I’ve been dieting since yesterday.  (That’s a day and half and so far so good.  LOL)

December 26 - 12/31/2011 Georgetown - Kingsland, TX

Monday…. No work today.. just hung out

Tuesday…..Worked a little, took my car back to the house in Austin , returned to Georgetown when Pat realized that he had been storing his golf clubs in the trunk of my car…. So another trip into Austin to get the golf clubs.  We’re getting everything ready for our move to Kingsland, TX and a chili cook off and New Years celebration with out chili family.

Wednesday….. left our Georgetown home about 10:00.  I know Blaze is going to miss this RV park as he went to the office everyday and was fed a bacon treat.  Blazed loved Georgetown.  We arrived in Kingsland about 1:30 after several stops for propane and diesel.  Arrived in Kingsland and found a Mexican food restaurant for lunch.  Mom & Dad, Lynn, Bucky & Carolyn, Doc and Carrie, Larry and Cindy all arrived on Wednesday. 

Thursday…..Bucky and Pat went to play golf.  I worked a little, would have worked more but was limited on wifi.   I did finish a book I was reading to give to Mom.  Mom has finished reading “The Help” and I can’t wait to start reading that book.

Friday…… Couldn’t work much due to wifi so watched TV most of the day while Pat, Dad, Bucky and Lynn played golf.  Also watched a lot more Chili cooks pull in for tonight’s cook off and Saturday cook off with party after.  When the guys got back it was almost time to start cooking chili for the Friday nite cook off.  Turn in time is 8:00.  We didn’t do well but Dad placed 5th.

Saturday….. New Years Eve….Pat’s cooking chili again today and Dad has mixed his spices.  We’re hoping to do better today.  Well… we didn’t place again, but Dad placed 8th.  After announcements Mom and I decided to start our New Year’s celebration as we knew that after the Pot Luck dinner we would not be staying up until the new year.  Pat and I went to bed about 9:00-9:30 so missed the new years countdown.  That’s okay we’re leaving early in the morning to head for La Feria, our new home for the next month.