Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April 28 thru May 1, 2012 Athens, TN

Saturday…. Today we rode (BMW) the Tail of the Dragon.  This ride is 318 curves in 11 miles. Talk about curvy.  It’s a beautiful ride with trees on both sides of the road.  Before you get to the beginning of the Tail of the Dragon our ride took us along the river and in some areas you can see rapids and people riding the rapids.  There are no turn out spots to get a photo so sorry no pics.  The tail starts out in Tennessee and ends in North Carolina at the Deals Gap Motorcycle Resort.  When we pulled in here it is full of bikes, all different makes and models.  We ate lunch at the Deals Gap restaurant and then we purchased 2 T-shirts and 2 patches.  My patch says “I survived the Tail of Dragon”.  Once we get back to the RV Pat will put the patch on my motorcycle jacket.  This way everyone will know I'm cool.  LOL

After lunch we opted to take the Skyway ride.  On this ride you go up to about 5000 feet.  This ride is also curvy.  With the Skyway ride and the Tail of Dragon we probably took close to 450 curves on the bike. What a great ride today.  It was a beautiful sunny day but in the trees on the Tail of Dragon and then going up in altitude on the Skyway drive we didn’t feel the heat until on our way home.  Total miles ridden today was about 175, taking about 5 hours with stops.
Sunday…… Left earlier on the bike today to take a ride Pat had mapped out.  I can’t say enough about how green it is along the roads with lots of trees and water, but again to place to take photos.   Today it didn’t take us as long to go 125 miles as the roads taken were not quite as curvy as yesterday, only took about 2 ½ hours with stops.

The rest of today we’re going to veg out. 

Monday….Today Pat and blaze took a ride on the BMW while I worked.  When  they returned Pat and I went into town to have lunch at the Diner.
After lunch we drove to the Savannah Oaks Winery.  We had a good time talking with the owner as we were the only visitors at the tasting room at the time.  I purchased a bottle of Hiawassee Red Huzzy.  The winery mascot is the SOW (Savannah Oaks Winery).  They include the pig on most of  their labels and on all their corks…see pic… the Red Huzzy has a pig face.  I also purchased a seasoning mix to make a cheese ball using wine.  Can’t wait to make this. 

Notice the Luchenbach TX sign ???

Took a pic of this plant as the flowers look like hanging grapes

Here's a pic of the wine purchased.

We then drove to the Morris Vineyard & Winery in Charleston, TN. Now this winery was in the sticks and I mean in the sticks; they had to give us a map to get us back to civilzation. I tried their wines and didn’t like anything. They cater to making more sweet wines and I’m not into that. I did try several wines made from Muscadine Grapes (these grapes are supposed to be really good for you) Ugh! I guess it’s an acquired taste. I did see that a lot of Tennessee wineries made wines with muscadine grapes as these grapes grow good in the South region.

That's the Appalachian mountains in the background

This was our map back to civilization

Tuesday..... Today was a heavy work day so put in more hours than normal.  Finally, we got away to visit the Sweetwater Dairy Farm.  We tasted many of the cheeses they make, and a couple of the jellies.  I tasted one jelly that was called corn cob jelly and made from the juice of the corn cob.  It was pretty sweet and kind of tasted like peach and apricot mixed.  Then we took the tour of the dairy and cheese making.  Pretty interesting but kind of smelly. Sweetwater Farms delivers most all thier milk to the Mayhill Dairy in Athens keeping some for thier cheese making.  Sweetwater Farms also delivers some of thier cheeses to wineries around the area for purchase to visitors at those wineries.  I did see this cheese at the 2 wineries we visited yesterday.  Our guide was pretty funny, she and Pat got along well.  After the tour it was back to the gift shop to purchase some cheese.  Pat chose the garlic pepper cheese and I chose the Fiesta cheese (spicy). 
Then it was back to Athens to visit the Mayhill Dairy, the dairy that Sweetwater Farms delivers to) and take a tour.  Thank goodness they didn't charge for the tour as it was pretty lame.  We did buy some ice cream while waiting for the tour.  That was my lunch today the cheese at Sweetwater Farms and the ice cream at Mayhill Dairy. Yes I'm still dieting!   
Tomorrow, its off to Pigeon Forge to visit Dollywood.  We'll be gone all day so the owner of the RV park will be looking in on Blaze and letting him out while we're gone.

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