Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5/12 & 5/15 - Monday, Tuesday, Anniston, Alabama

Monday.....we drove to Leeds, Alabama to visit Barber Motor Sports Museum which houses about 1200 motorcycles and cars.  Of course, this is right up Pat's alley.  There is so much to look at we were there 3 1/2 hours and didn't even get to view the basement area at the cars, etc as this area is only open during special events held at the race track.  See pics.....

On our way back to Anniston we stopped at the Talladega Super Speedway.

Tuesday......Worked and walked and then more rain this afternoon.  It looks like I may be going back to work full time at the office earlier than I expected.  Nothing is firm yet but may be going back full time in June.  Will keep everyone updated as soon as I know more.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Friday, Saturday & Sunday - Anniston, Alabama

Friday.....I worked and then after lunch Pat and I went shopping at Target and Walmart.  Craig has invited us to come out and watch Susan ride her horse this eveing while he bathes his horse and we all just visit.  We followed Craig out to the place where they board thier horses.  It's a beautiful area back in the woods.  Susan came a little later, groomed her horse and then went riding.

While we were waiting for Susan to finish her ride we were all just visiting when all of a sudden it sounded like we were in a war zone.  All you could hear was the rat-a-tat-tat of automatic weapons.  Craig looked at both Pat and I and said "Welcome to Alabama".  We all got a laugh out of this and then when the owner of the property came to feed his horses we found out it was him that had been doing the shooting.  Catch the pics below to see his golf cart rigged to carry his machine guns.

Craig and his horse

Susan riding

This is the proprty owner (he is a gun collector) & Craig

Craig holding the 2 guns carried in the golf cart.

Don't want to be without your weapons.

Saturday..... Ate breakfast and then off on the bike to ride through the Cheaha (Che Ha) Forest and visit the Grist Mill and covered bridge.  See pics....

For those Chili cooks following my blog, note above the Grist Mill guest book showing a vist from Renee Moore from Bastop, TX the week before

This is one laid back dog.  We went to visit the petting zoo and this dog never woke up.  I guess he's alive.  LOL

We returned home from our ride and later Saturday evening went with Craig and Susan to a great little Italian Restaurant.  The food was great.

Sunday.....today is Mother's Day... Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.

Well as always it must rain everywhere Pat goes and yes it started raining last night and is still raining today.  Pat is going over to Craig's to help him with some home remodeling.  I am pampering myself,  and have given myself a facial and a pedicure, talked on the phone with my daughter and my mom and later I will make chicken enchilada soup. A great Mother's Day.

Till the next blog.